Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How To Make A Skate Park Out Of Books

Conversely Ask the Wool 49/2008

today sent the following question wool sheep of:

Hi wool sheep,
I'd be interested what the was demanding that someone has been knitted. Whether it's socks, a dish liquid or a multicolored Fair Isle sweater or something else entirely.
Many thanks to Thomas for today's question!


The Wollmops has considered and barking about this:
fall equal to the first thing I Gauntlets one, which I - oops - I just blogged a year ago today, with a zig-times crossed cable pattern on the top. So many knitted cables I had experienced up to that little. Said ... I still think the same cap, my first Zopfwerk at all (by the way, Kirsten, as in my comment on your comment written, please get in touch if you want the manual, I have no contact from you). That was REALLY complicated. And with errors in the instructions. I can still see today with a pinched face, bent double with the effort of the needles sit in the window of Schloss Arnsberg, where I was just with Monika, and hear me say: Wait, I must focus my time! What we both fell silent in awe in the face of the complicated entanglements cap.

make a different kind of claim the stuff is from my own designs, if I do so and often unravel again and new tackle. Since then, patience is called for holding. And that, I've more or less.

My Fair Isle attempts ... Oh well. Who made such claims and are therefore landed again full tilt into the corner that I never progressed far enough to count here now can.

As I stand before so a few challenges. Well done, place the Wollmops.


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