Friday, December 31, 2010

Canker Sore Vs Herpes

not anymore! for this year ...

the end of the year was in 2010 again a new year's eve run - despite the weather. as already Last year I was in griesheim the start because the track is going well, the field is not too big and everything else at the wrong speed. This year was also to the fact that the track, which went completely through the forest, to 99.9% with fixed was covered with snow, so a run with spikes was very possible and was also endorsed by the organizers. and since I do not at NEM competitive with thick and heavy winter shoes will go to the start (it's enough if I all the extra body mass rumschleppe with me), consider the choice was not long on the cross country spikes.

run to myself there is not really so much to say. because of the background was clear that no miracle can be expected. and though I with lots of shoes has been, it was nevertheless not as easy as with "normal" conditions. at the end was a time of 40:54 minutes (which meant 34th place) to book with which I can live very well.

conclusion I wish all readers have a happy, wonderful new year ne sause and you can see in 2011 somewhere safe again. skin clean and to the day!

Power Wheels Dune Buggie

Rods Gutsch!

... or: "Ice Age 2 - Meltdown!"

(Be glad I snapped no thawing-lubricating dog shit and uploaded have. The would often be very abbildenswürdig. What sent her cheating among the brown of firecrackers marks!)
on the part really (so), sometimes muddy and slippery stracciatella way into the new year (my former Latin teacher would have said: "glupschi et glitschi") wishes dit Jrünzeuch its readers Allet jute - and on-site then arrived naturellement only the best for 2011.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why Don't I Weigh Less After I Poop

old earlier today (almost) new

as the spinning-wheel, which I have purchased a few weeks ago for a narrow horizontal, due to age macken already had some (to put it to formulate something carefully) and also colored more honest to boring so came, it was subjected to quite some time a general overhaul and we also designed some chic. from me? No way! you need to know what one (s) can and can not ... ;) But I find the result more than succeeded. so beautiful I had imagined at all. It does also go as before, and I think I will much joy to the bike and have a lot of sweat on him ... Shed

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ameristar Landmark Buffet Bogo

casus knaacktus

sign the much-described gentrification shows the rapidly changing Berlin more and more. The former alternative, relaxed capital of the sub-, super-, anti-and non-culture and the life-let-live-and-atmosphere under the slogan "To each his own" is on the impressive way there, things in Munich chichi pabulum to provide-clean image a boring competition; at soaring ticket prices for the sport of strength, of course. But taking part that counts!

who once again seeks an example of the enigmatic nature, the reader is referred to the sad case (two in the literal sense) of the Knaack-Klub s. After soft in the area already had other places of night life, because too many Neuansässige noise over excited or had driven the young people effectively, it is now too close to the end of "the Knaack. It does so breathlessly, after long legal and verwalterischem struggle and agonizing death after languishing Type in a farce of periods of strength, finger-pointing, technical and structural retrofitting (of course only at the club side) and rigid, crushing "Noise" supports [ 23-Clock-decibel checks, and to the room volume (sic) of 25 dB on the counter, such as in small karaoke round came from no hidden-camera-action, but were reality]. This must, however, not an x-any alleged "club scene" dodging the fast-paced, modern Prenzl'berg party scene, but a real place of the traditional urban youth culture and a unifying element of Berlin. This time it hits a club that had existed for almost 60 years and that was despite his Unspektakularität something special, one that even the East German criticism and survives and East Berlin teenagers with sports, music, and has more to offer a contact point ("youth center Ernst Knaack) and then the young people, and all of Berlin, generous, and tourist-Amüsierwütigen an affordable, alternative, simple, dress code-free large disco with several levels and styles as well as live concerts ready held. Grandpa at the youth club must make the square, which lies behind modern new windows next door at the Heinrich-Roller-Straße and full of disgust over there, listens: pettiness, myopia and double standards. These attitudes comfortable, warm and cozy in the foreheads of a darkening or Zumach end yuppie Neuanwohnerschaft who buys per drawing board recommendation chic condos that are built into an entertainment district, directly to a large nightclub and concert hall - because it alive in the area Yes so and exciting and totally Berlin "- and then, paradoxically, the frightened and upset, because that, oops, an entertainment area, a big nightclub and concert hall, a vibrant and exciting area and total lot Berlin. Other hand, one must be after the shock and wonders but do something!

had Absurdly, the whole success. Long, fighting , attempts , discussions, excitement , Despite or appeals to common sense or a to leading local culture-sustaining neighborhood district management did not lead: The Knaack case became a crap case. A new location could not be found. It probably would not be the same.

rest in peace! spaetzle and red wine, blood sausage and Kölsch or just blue and white diamonds Alpenglow and for all - and a solid, family-friendly 17-Clock-dinner party with a pianist at the Greifswald road!
... which will hopefully soon for the blocked through traffic. Is in fact disgusting loud as some newer residents have noticed. Half the rumors should be because there may not pass through even cars. An absurdity, and that in such a wide road! Since disturb the annoying, ugly, red-yellow-green light signals changing systems of sleep, the aesthetics and the kisses ever online Muses, must in this order and the general condition be changed anyway sooner or later something.

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Cook A Piece Of Eye Fillet

images in picasa online

I now have a Picasa account increased and will be there when I want, a few pictures to post on certain topics. either you click the link for this you click or right under picasa interesting links.

Friday, December 24, 2010

How Long Before Dental Appointment To Take Valium

Christmas exit

because there are people who have to work on Christmas Eve and stayed with me this afternoon have enough time to drive a little sports, as I so in recent years have mostly made eigtl. Despite rain and snow rather chilly temperatures, I swung down on the cross bike and I drove through the area a half hours and I've let the cold wind blowing the nose. were road to happiness free, but the fields were from very different sides. In part, they were still completely covered with snow and only 2 miles further was seen snow almost nothing more.

overall it was a nice exit, especially because the roads were very empty. I was also the first time with my new sport glasses go and it was a completely different driving experience, because I saw everything sharp and did not drive unnecessarily. just as it should be. I really would open earlier the purse for this investment will but better late than never;) but Christmas is just to something more generous.

after I was back home, I made the connection still nen hour strength training and now I can shower in the fresh "Christmas Program" Start.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Illegal === C.p. ==== Best!

headscarf girls

The services sector is no longer what it once was. Diplomacy and tact can not. But diplomacy and tact are not funny.

Most people go to the hairdresser with the expectation to feel better afterwards and beautiful. That hope has been abandoned long ago Mrs. E. Feu. Their expectations now ranks somewhere between harm reduction rather, grace, and entertainment.

Munter, naive, afloat without reflection, in fluent everyday German and mercilessly honest the alleged Turkish-born young hairdresser starts speaking: Your cousin, who had "also such a problem, so quite blatantly thin and short hair" (thank you), but " ! even worse "(thank you), get the part already bald But that was for them." Anyway, even worse, because: "She's only 22! Which is young, you know? If you are still young, that is shit. Because if you're not young anymore, which is more like you, that's not really matter "(thank you, thank you, thank you).
Actually that was quite a lot of workload. But the client also learns something about integration, about Sarrazin erroneous Identify assumptions about the production of certain types of women and the fact that uses and gratifications not only an approach to media use, but may be on the use of entire cultures, "The Practical is of the Muslim! . The now has simply decided that they would rather want to wear a headscarf "

Can Toddlers Have Herpes?


yesterday it had finally come: the final session on my right leg was in order. karin and the needle has made statements to glow again properly. over 5 hours sat / lay me on the chair and then we both were pretty much in the ass. I, because I had pain almost consistently strong and Karin, because they concentrate all the time needed. but end good, all good. I got over it and my right leg is now completely painted. and although tastes differ and the like "art" certainly not everybody, I'm more excited than ever on the outcome and glad it despite all the pain and sacrifice of the triathlon season to have pulled 2010th But now the sport is first again in the foreground.

with the tattoo I will try to make a break for now and the pain that I had to forget. and then I'll see what I will next next winter and do not begrudge the location on the body then "painted". I was there sooooo many cool ideas in mind and yet so much space ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Futanari Suit For Sale

winter is called something well

With the prevailing weather is supposed to change the sport. how about even with thai-ski (ok, I admit that I have this neologism borrowed only) for a change?

Back Pain Ice Skating

the resumé of recent weeks is because I had played quite healthy for the first time this winter and could not train the way I wanted, rather modest. I was swimming three times in the lunch break (where I had to cancel the third unit) and got an hour every day stable / light weight training done, but was not walk or bike on. I just hope that I am now healthy again on the mound. However, in this week if I can train much more, not yet in sight. because tomorrow is probably the last time being tattoo-on time and I have to see how the leg responds and then when I can do that again. I expect a rest days at 2. but even so still remain open on 3 (celebration) days at the end of the week, I can safely use for one or the other unit / will.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Will Working Out Make Herpes Worse?

my new training philosophy!

We are particularly pleased that we managed to Dr. Anginov Petorov, founder of the Pain coach training lesson for an interview to gewinnen.Das interview was conducted in January 2005 at the Olympic training camp in the Siberian Wladiloytralomes.

Good day, Dr. Pektorov. We are pleased that we, in spite of the preparation of your athletes were able to sacrifice for the next competitions time for this interview.


Can you explain to our readers in a few words, the Paintraings training doctrine.


Oh right. The universal approach to the training lesson: There is no good, unless it hurts.

Exactly. We have over 20 years researching the world and found that excellence in sport are only possible if the athlete is able to overcome the threshold, which builds the body as protection from high performance: Pain. Only when man succeeds overcome this threshold really entirely, it can do true excellence.

Can you tell us the cornerstone of training theory to explain briefly.

makes Overcoming pain schnell.All our training efforts of this maxim untergeordnet.Der athlete is pain-controlled trainert. Never exercise on heart rate or other totally non-informative parameters!'s the favorite playing wrong. A madness. That's no good. This is a misconception of the training doctrine of the late 20th century. Training the middle ages, I always call it (laughs). Basically, total insanity and not effective.

Many athletes do, however, an instrument with which to control their training intensity. What do you recommend?

This is very simple: If an athlete trained properly, he can not see clearly. The field of vision narrows. Colors disappear, tunnel vision. They are the first indicators for proper training. With proper training, the control of electronic instruments is no longer possible anyway. A fundamentally useful tool for the beginner is the so-called PAIN TRAINER-INDEX-JERSEY. This is a sports jersey with a big printed "AUA". The intensity of exercise is increased gradually until the letters no longer be read. Then the athlete is in his Zieltrainigszone.

they have this technology also to exercise control?

No. For example, we test for levels of pain control with an electronic thermometer.

Can you describe the individual Traingsbereiche short and facing the classic Traingsbereichen GA1, GA2, EB, SB.

principle: There is no such thing as basic training is not there. Basis can not train you. Basis with the person is born. This term has, however persistent. It is used by coaches and athletes still in use to protect themselves from real to press Training! 1 corresponds to PTB EB. Pain Training Area 1 is the region with the lowest intensity. This area has not been due to the very limited exposure proved to be very efficient. I only recommend this area for direct follow-up and competition in the event of serious illness with fever. PTB 2 corresponds to SB. Pain Training Area 2 is the area where the training cycle after several failures in quick succession until the final exhaustion will continue. He is the actual recovery between intervals. It should be controlled because of the low load in serious training as infrequently as possible. PTB 3 has no equivalent in the classical Traingslehre. The Heart rate is greater than 100% of maximum heart rate. This is the training area for loose, long enduring workouts. The athlete has to have certain approachable and responsive to environmental stimuli. PTB 4 is the real Pain coach training area. PTB 4 is trained as an interval. The intensity of PTB 3 increased until the athlete collapses. After wiedererlangtem consciousness the next interval will be addressed. Very efficient.

interesting. The training concept offers simplicity.

Indeed. So we do not waive any right performance-enhancing training content. Stretching, massage, etc. In particular, the originally widespread training in the regeneration area - if you can speak in this case at all of training - is poison for the hard-trained pain resistance.

what you recommend as compensation?

I can hear it any more. Compensation. Why compensation for training? If the athlete is a balance to the training needs, then he is not really fully behind his sport.

So, no compensation.

Richtig.Sinn however, makes an additional program for the direct sport-specific desensitization of the main nerve groups. Runners are to be governed by the barefoot training times for a few minutes on a hot stove . Make Cyclists can prepare the sensitive region seat with a soldering iron to the next training session. General pain resistance can also train very well as a hand in the toaster. This can also be combined with the ergometer training in the PT4 field. Diverting the pain we call this

Can you describe a classic beginner workout short.

for completely untrained beginner, I recommend a three-week reduction program. Week 1: morning daily 4000-6000 stairs PT3 warm without making. Directly after ergometer cadence 15-20 rpm PT4 at least 5 hours daily. Everything always with additional weights. Very important for the joints. Week 2: As week 1 plus increasing volumes and intensity by 300%. Week 3: Week 2 increase, plus sizes and intensity. -Every day, until a sustained collapse occurs in a twilight of the general severe weakness passes. If necessary. Resuscitation and subsequent intensive inpatient medical hospitalization. If necessary with an artificial coma and artificial food supply at a low level - the same time increases the fat metabolism. Basically, for training: Improve volumes and intensity of your workout more quickly and as suddenly several times more. Avoid especially breaks and active recreation. Note the Pain Train, Training, Policy and pay particular attention to the continuous increase your over-training and Unsystematikindex. Pay attention to regular sleep deprivation. Very positively also have problems in social environment, etc. made apparent. For example, anger in the partnership, at work etc. The athletes really unleashed. Drink and eat as little as possible and run exclusively on food with low content of vitamins, minerals etc. Before training and plenty of quiet fat. Always remember: You are preparing your body for a competition: sport and war and no feel-Wellnesskuschelei.

That sounds already quite strenuous. What will you recommend for an athlete who has been trained by the classical training methods and now change.

The experience of recent years have shown that this is not practically possible. The non-pain-controlled training has a catastrophically low overtraining index episode. I advise about a radical detoxification by a break of at least three months, with much lack of exercise and fast food. Pain reset we call this way, the athlete prepared as previously described, free from old to start training with the Pain.

Dr. Pektorov, thank you for this interview.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Refillable Canned Air Duster

Green Toddler

The Green Zeuch is" not a baby, but as of today birthday a toddler: one years there is now the green organic waste blog. Who can get that from the spinach pie. Thanks for reading, watching, commenting and bearing simple!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cheap Eye Exams In Dallas

tunnel vision (6): bell-Jitter-Bahn

The big city society is not prudish. Almost everyday is that mothers sometimes in public their child breast-feeding. Less common but it is also in Berlin, not to do casual and most relevant, but pointedly. A to dispel any prejudices, not just the Ökomutter-stereotypical woman - very tall, with blond mane and high heels, makeup, styled and emphasizes hip and sexy dress - it takes place in a crowded, stuffy U8 apparently estrebenswert, in to bare all snail-like peace of mind and her swollen breasts still cumbersome herumzuzeigen before she stuffs her strikingly cute baby in the mouth. A baby mind you, the previously awakened not just feel acutely hungry or otherwise be intolerable, but the chuckles happily. Accordingly, the small to deflect also plenty fast: His fascination, gazing upward move horizontally, soon is the dangling above him holding straps, the wild swings in the face of rapid driving style of the car and the Formula One-like cornering. He squeals with delight and points to it. The kid always seems to immediately get what he wants, in any event is mum on questions and picks it up at the funny oscillating loops, so that the squeaky dwarf grab ecstatic afterwards. Since they do not require, at least before even packing her breasts again, this depends, meanwhile, huddled around the front of men standing around. The decently not access ecstatic after squeaking.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

33 Weeks Pregnant With Very Sore Abs

Frieda, Freddy & Fifty Fifis

What exactly will these window dressing in a barber shop and beauty shop the interested art fan say?
These two breeding race-Schoßfifis are only 50% of dog?
The right dog makes already 50% of styling?
A good dog hair is half the battle?
shopping bags now 50% off?
shopping bags in this store to have 50% of any dog on it?
all used shopping bags with dogs on it now for half?
all used shopping bags now for the half, but only for dogs? All
Frieda & Freddies are common dog fuffzig wrong?
50% of our sales we do with bags?
dogs get big discounts on Hair and beauty services, but more than 50 percent are absolutely non-held bag?
50% of the legacies of four-legged friends a day fit into a shopping bag?
50% of all on-the-arm hätschel Doggie called Frieda and Freddy and fit into a shopping bag?
50% of the customers of this business wear the hair color "street dog" and are constantly angetütert?
50% in this shop were bepinkelt of Frieda's and Freddie's dogs?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Does Sinus Rinse Hurt?

Hello, Vienna!

for doing so from time to time with the much-maligned OESIS solidarity. Not just because even Vienna Monster Central Station-building project has and the contrapuntal juxtaposition with Stuttgart 21 funny is (among other things, because it carries such pretty tricky ). But also because of another thing, the less of stations (maximum of only-station-understanding), more to do about it but with monsters and projects added: The gorge shit, even in the cosmopolitan city, can be noisy polls less than here we start with the increasingly pervasive trend celebrate Halloween ("Most of the trailer has Halloween according to the survey in the Rhineland." - as is explained well?). Or Samhain. Or whatever. In any event, this strange festival of the dead, which of course therefore, comes as the North American version with pumpkins and Gruselkram. Now spit again to the evil inclination to the commercialization and especially the youth, easy to find party occasions! celebrate All Saints / All Souls would be much iconic for so'n 16-year-old amateur Gothicfan.

commercialization? Party only? Oh!
illustrated in bad quality so that at dusk from a mobile phone while driving past made Shoot the roar of commerce in a metropolis, among other things, has no carnival tradition and actually may wrap up only for political purposes: Before "Decorating Behrendt" in Schöneberg , a Pocket Money grave of my childhood and the inconspicuous as currently only really known shop in Berlin, the year-round out decorations, costumes and accessories for all budgets, formed in the last few days an upcoming bunch of people, as there was free beer, and the need for door control. Sorry, not in the picture are the estimated 30 meters, which was the snake left out of the picture out yet further . Well then happy to shudder!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Many Calories In Home Made Stir Fried Noodles

great moments

needs in cold times, the people warm messages.
nüscht is' with dancing colored leaves and golden October sun. But not only technically weather will be cheated again by the fall and will again go directly from summer to winter: For at least a week (someone earlier this evidence I am not talking about a few timid gingerbread and dominoes?), it is again - the unspeakable is coming all too visible! In any case, on the hot pavement tourist places of interest. Berlin is located in mid-October in a decorative frenzy.

And now, as on other festivals, all sing loudly

"A star with no mercy ..."

secure behind the early folk kitsch targeted psychological terror for shortcake (dough) machung.
Wait and see!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Volunteer Completion Letter Template

The elegance of the fruit fly

How much indoctrinated the majority opinion but their own feelings and judgments! Actually, they are disgusting. Nasty beasts. Nuisance. A budget nightmare, albeit less sustainable than, say, flour moths. They may not like: fruit flies or fruit, or, officially, biological, fruit flies (with the imaginary dividing line for the U, not the F, christening couches should be consecrated in the pelvis).

Closer inspection, however, and concerns is the question why. And if we sit there not an everyday racism, such as a bumblebee us cute, a dragonfly and a graceful butterfly pretty can be found - during this very yet, a closer look (at least her from her base), not exactly candidates for Heidi Klum and at least the first two of these also cause a damage.

Drosophila melanogaster however, should be our friend, familiar old and his heart has grown since we should not cross (usually in the 10th grade) in biology classes - be it real or just on paper - to the Mendelian rules of to understand genetics and heredity, and apply the example of "red-eyed and langflügelig" versus "white-eyed and kümmerflügelig.
who now once - attentive, empathic, open Heart and knowing - in under the microscope their gram drawn in captivity, and shame, maybe this red from weeping eyes looked, has this expression with concentrated look, well fitted contact lenses must also accept, without further technical aids for life always back when he sit somewhere states: on the fruit, vegetables, garbage bag, the wall or cabinet. This is deep in the heart targeting, accompanied by elegant pseudo lashes look extra not forget, it shows their deep sorrow socially maligned, low-existence, which learns only by value in research confirmation, while admirable modesty and adaptability. Some are said to have been love at first, glassy eye look. No love, which is run happy lives, but a person usually much longer. Even though it may sometimes not found in fruit flies.
I looking at you, kid.
to modesty and adaptability are joined in Drosophila (after Schlechtschreibverform now perhaps Droso f ila - a lucrative advertising contract for athletic shoes would beckon, especially since it would be to equip six feet - they would have those who were not so unkompatibel small ! But perhaps can be as genetically do something, mutation Advanced) or other very admirable qualities.

her short life and social ostracism she takes it as fate and make the most of it. This is accompanied by a sogartigen, intense and beautiful in it ostsee same melancholy that brings the knowledge of the tremendously rapid own mortality with it. The name "fruit fly" is true because it gives the same mixture of ease and hardship re-creation. The fruit does not suffer. It is. And eat. She dies quietly, waiting, with dignity, not buzzing around dramatically or wriggling on his back, she sits still and listens to just live. It creates Populations, even entire countries, in no time. As if they ignored him, the wind, and says nothing. Gravity has overcome them. Her graceful speed, full sound and ease with which it apart seemingly disembodied from a standing start and in a red-eyed blink a great distance traveled by, in this same style and lands again somewhere gives almost the impression of beaming, neppt human perception and can be described only with pure elegance . The silence with which her life goes CARRIED - whether in food, love or death - is impressive. With tremendous instincts and silent determination to find everything supposedly edible and transforms it together with their brothers and sisters in the creative process food into something else out there in a new state of being over, sculpted it. Drosophila makes art and is always in motion. Even if she sits still. It will then move their minds and their karma another bright soul. The think tank, drosophilosophische theory is, unfortunately, never been passed, since no one bothered to make to get to their low noise and sign language, and abstract or telepathically reached no man ever your level.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What If My Pinky Toe Itches

free period

Sushi is delicious. Sushi is much more delicious. Ideally, at least. This strange thing called culture is actually still with it, but not ( only), the German is ticking like the principle of "quantity over quality". Happiness is when neither exclude. The All-you-can-eat buffet behave but contemporaries like next time. Company elbow-like hamsters per buffet response when something new is presented, to say, "After me the deluge" as well as strict adherence to the scientific research interest, "How many bites can be stacked on a mini disc?" Is on the agenda. This too is a reason to inflict it again: Because you can study great men.

part of a delicious and colorful drivers were recently crushed nine on a table, very young Asians (!); Alleged students or boar Studis. They drank nothing, only plundered the buffet. During her highly sociable and Futterns blather could be puzzling, whatever source they were, because of ivy tapping tone and physiognomy are most likely to Koreans (predominantly 3 sweet girls, 6 some impressively nerdy types). Their voices remained stable, and expanding a mystery. To set up suddenly just 21 of a clock, apparently one of the living and the other visited in the group given the long since refilled buffets in German one - at first very polite - Question gene bar over to the chef: if there is not yet will meet other sushi? This made a defensive-waving Gesture and just said no. shot from the gun it was because in the best of Berlin-style (word choice, tone of voice, spontaneity, biting irony and humor type) - Sarrazin might be excited about so much integration - from the young person back: "Oh, well open up to 22 clock is , then yes Hamse present 'free for an hour! "

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cute Sister Quotes For Picnik

Stop Stuttgart passed

arguments instead of emotion:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Biffy Clyro Mountains Score Piano

Take Five

It jazzes in the social state of Germany, in view of the highly anticipated, lush, vielbejubelten Hartz IV increase by a whopping 5 euros a month to get well into the humming, singing and swinging. Some thanks consumption possibility of sudden and participation in society, others because they have the good and proud feeling that at last to live in a just state that guarantees the dignity, no matter what the fate of hires with a. Fear of the future now requires no more to have. Now, jammed together in solidarity, gefreestylet, improvised and ideas collected, what can be bought from this amount each month or do anything! Ideas can be found here about or here or here . Maybe you can, depending on the area, get rid of it even his garbage . This is especially interesting if you have previously saved up from his 5 € (with the aid of the rule set provided € 27.41), Mountains of new electrical devices, and now do not know where to put all the old ones. Man could learn to cook. One could make from their own wealth and to finance what else one education . and it can learn how to save a lasting and even save the world - or even save up 95 cents (one book and co-use the immense cultural contribution in the standard rate!). Would also be good to go again and study the 5 € before been put to the career aside to Entrepreneur and to create jobs. Or you simply for the 5 € horny frustration degradation at the expense of those who do not even Hartz IV or otherwise receive any dignity ... Other proposals, sample calculations and priorities you about the comments.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Highest Bond Energy

Herds of Nerds

The Berlin venue landscape is a cosmos in itself. Function meets Freaks and party, convention and meets Indie etepetete. In Friedrichshain is a part of this universe even Sun Just before the Frankfurt gate sits the monster that used to be the largest cinema in the GDR, in the 90's then time was Berlin's first true multiplex - and now as "We use it all from" ekes-Transformerspielzeug its existence, somewhere between revamped multi-purpose hall, conference center, beer garden with public viewing and weekend The Greater disco for young people very uniform external style, the like to dance to a mix of house and old and new charts and pose in front of everything. Last Sunday was

there an audience that clearly deviated from the other, even if it also leads to a strange - others - tended kind of unification, of course, with the usual "Yes, we're all individuals" look here. The occasion was a record release party the next and more specific in this case, as three parts and versions comprehensive, due to the many cultic revered radio play "The Three Investigators" (jaaaaa however, the correct spelling is: The Three? ). Kongenialerweise held in this village, for misplaced the radio plays "Europe", the associated Books and other merchandise, however, the Kosmos Verlag. Behind the event, of course, put the Lauscherlounge , in the shape of which pays homage to Justus Jonas spokesman Oliver Rohrbeck quasi stable even as he regularly does good for Hörfans and radio professionals.

Spread over three rooms and there are present the original of each detective heard the guest speaker either version of Justus, Peter and Bob. Then there was the large hall instead of clubbing Blubbszene times: The three speakers interpreted as an extra gimmick stage and screen via a small, about 30 minutes, unpublished and not really serious live radio play and produced some the noise to yourself the excuse, the complete text would read just (us) for the first time will be allowed once considered favorably for increasing Fadenentgleiten, off-the-role-traps and Wirrerwerden gene end. Especially since it did not diminish the entertainment value and the second part to the fact that the evening was worthwhile. Rewarding but not because the men have subsequently moved raffle winners.

("Record Release Party" under the screaming fans. No children.)

(This time not a world record: compared with the ecstatic Forest Stage Mass Close Kreische's was the "cosmos" cozy!)

It would have a successful event can be. Were it not for the unspeakable organization on the part of the cosmos have been. Namely, the concept was one among others to persuade the people by proclamation "intake from 18 clock" in combination with open seating for breakfast coming and standing in line - and then to let them stand in the pouring rain. Not a few gracious minutes before six opened the gates, no, but 20 minutes later, and then at a snail's pace, just a door and an employee were open, the latter, however, probably mainly rectal, specifically emphasizes what pampig reactions, slow pace and brazen lies (" It's been six, not later than five after six, the door "- strangely, much as you, lurking on that fact, not noticed clock 18:05 ) As for?. To cap a cheerful Enie van de Meiklokjes hopped with a small camera crew to the legendary serpent in several loops around - wide made a dull idea that the "report" only positive, only a cheer the impressive number appear to interested parties for such an event would. Here, one or the other deeply, eaten, in Berlin in hervorgefluchte original sound would have imposed, and let's as a defense against Enies's youthfulness and fun of points of touch.
After nearly an hour Einregnen (which holds out no screen, no durchzuweichen) and standing puddles finally arrived in the foyer was dry, the fun, unfortunately, in the face of complete wetting is not something set in borders and sought to the rest of the evening unconditionally. The common cold to see the sneering face, while you sit on cold stone floor, somehow makes a bad mood. As it tore the stage in the remarkable comfortable, unfortunately, but cool air-conditioned cinema seats (room "Peter!") is not out.

The real attraction, however, was already something else: the audience. As already indicated it was an amazing human species. The issue of accessibility for persons with visual and multiple disabilities sometimes left outside: Iridescent it was proven that Nerdtum play not only by computer sitting / or other supposedly young and zeitgenössischmediale, but the individual should characterize insulating trends. Nerds should also occasionally accumulate, rather than, as the cliché, it says vorsichhinzufreaken as socially lonely marginal figure in private, it was at the Frankfurter Allee somewhere a nest. A so-called Nerd Herd. This led to quite a nerd herd, or several. They gathered mysterious. It surged a sea of Fanshirts, shy autograph hunters, bizarre characters, all heart-connoisseurs, frenetic Bekreischen, group cheers, Devotionalienjägern, verscheuklappten elbow-out-and-through-while-also-always-egomaniac, loners, individualists, self-made themed utensils (a highlight: question mark earrings polymer clay!) and bedtime story junkies with a penchant for childhood nostalgia. Children were, however, almost no presence. On the whole, from which aimed also at all, although the radio play it actually has as main target group (te). Was Childhood longing for real? It can not escape the suspicion that even in the so-called is made old and often-cited media retro trends more and more of a cult in itself from the off-something-a-cult-making.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ameristar Landmark Buffet Buy One Get One

Aggro gasoline

for the increasingly same drive that has a crack, you should set a new record label: "Aggro gasoline. There could also be funny (or have) ever pour oil into fire. Whether zin Ben or other on-zine: both bad for the climate! This aggression gives me slowly against aggression - against stupidity. Even if this stupidity again very different accused. But that is surely only by a lack of understanding; I was sure verdooft even the migrant-Islamized world, perhaps in spite of some 15% more intelligent Jewish genes.

top hate phrase the last time I can simply listen to any more (the phrases, not the time):

- Man will do it again allowed to speak.
- The truth we must not respond in this country, yes.
- The truth is always concealed, lest we become feisty.
- We live in a dictatorship opinion.
- The media shall provide us, to think what we say and do.
- The media are all left.
- The Old 68s are to blame. This cozies has led to nothing.
- multiculturalism is but failed long ago.
- a time when things by their name, it is placed directly into the Nazi corner.
- It's not a racist just because they say me, how it is.
- You have to just increase the pressure.
- he must pay for everything he says.
- That can not be argued away. The facts are everything!
- This is all scientifically proven.
- that the managers know but not the reality.
- you fly out somewhere else, even if one does not work, and crime is not integrated.
- This may not be nice, as he says this, but it is true. He has reviewed it and calculated.
- You would not even your child to a school with a loud foreigners . Send
- This is nunmal so that all are getting dumber. Where should it come from?
- We need to create elite and by feeding with no parasites.
- The coming but only here because our welfare system is so great.
- They want to be integrated so not all of them.
- Should stop going to work and learn German.
- The majority is still behind him.
- Finally, speaking of the times from what everyone thinks.
- The'm sorry, all hack around on it now, that's not fair.
- If the critics but the writing of a better book.
- My neighbor / colleague / ... see also arranged it so, and is himself a Turk.
- The Sarrazin is courageous. Else dares yes no just because everyone fears.
- If it all be so wrong, why is the book sold out?

Thanks, Thilo, you Sarrazenerfürst old! Allah be with you!
And with the record label's own phrases pig, it should turn to be fed every time round (the same word even if not quite, but very similar word Grunzabfolgen). Maybe that's enough thus collected at some point to get you to buy a premium armem eaters psychotherapy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Nintendo Ds Game Toddler

For Ly


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Doushinji Vegeta Bulma

launched glossy

The fascination of evil has triumphed once again. On Sunday I did not trust me on the Badstraße hard, sorry, the "Autumn Festival" in the Weddinger Badstraße (whatta bad street). Between the head nodding, screeching, battery-operated plush dogs, and the inevitable need to air-filled about emblazoned clothing from Another Planet and also otherwise a festival of bad taste.
At first glance, the whole thing was a godsend for the multicultural critics these days, on the second but really more for the critics of multiculturalism critic. For the estimated 90 percent of "people with migration background" had, on average, more peaceful, witty and integrated than the few present at the "German" (also: How much German and the common life of interested can be as a Stadtteilfest to go? To the children that populate the inflatable and one at sausages, cotton candy and pop hits from the beer scene?). A German highlight was a fat, old, empty, staring Suffspießer Ender, who was walking his wabbling beer belly into a T-shirt saying: "I'm fishing you want to see my worm?" Oh yes, urgent, can hardly hold me. Impressed

me but this level of Turkish or Arab imports:
dental tools like Winkelspiegelchen: okay. To each his own, practically applied phobia management. Why the hell but a gynecological speculum and other instruments of torture? On a family street fair, the neatly fit between the battery dogs. So one has to shuffle no more at trade fairs, either as still as Medicus BDSM party-goers. I call that true tolerance and integration of sub-cultures - and I'm, uh, taken. Vaginalapplizierte greetings to the middle of the week.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Registration Proshow Gold

tunnel vision (5): adjust watch instead: the best out of themselves

The underground world is a world beyond borders. In the background, people are a big family: open, relaxed, confident. You have no false shame each other. No natural (except when civilization is still something of course) - as the following two stories show from the last hot days.

On Hermannplatz cavort always most diverse lives, always raging, the full life, both positive and negative, have a fuller lives, the other sober, and others live. On the platform of the U8 is especially full this year, for there is "occasional train" - and during the morning rush hour. Are closely spaced in the summer heat, the body of those waiting, while their minds are concerned just with anything else - the main thing distract from the Zeitbedrängnis, heat, bad air, the body. Some weave through in order to walk up and down nervously. Most simply stand still and breathe hard. Into the midst of this crowd is the one to the 40, which gives the term "exaggeration" a new punch line. He is obviously well over six feet tall, he towers over everyone away at least a head. The Begafftwerden and protruding but it stresses self-confident in a bright red T-shirt with the neon-colored patterns in the 80's style and satirize the stresses serious briefcase in his right hand seems. Bright appearance dominates the other Menschenbrei. The man is like a human buoy, a lighthouse, a meeting place in case someone should lose his children in the crowd or not his fellow-morning appointment takes. Also suitable for hiking days, day trippers and package tourists tourists he: "We gather in the great man with the signal-shirt."
goes Suddenly this eye-catcher, left entirely to change, not dealt with briefcase wearing a free hand - and the index finger to his face. Ah, the lighthouse is cleaned. With relish, for minutes, candidly, thoroughly, undaunted, and especially impressive deep it pierced with a tremendous self-evident in the nose, high above their heads, profound, sometimes going in the morning - until the subway finally comes. Strange: The crowd jostles to the doors, but only a few people rise to the same door of this anonymous mass finally giving an orientation of human Meeting point with his left hand opens.

has problems with the public, the young man was not who drives in the early evening and U2 are also very self-consciously deals with his physicality. A good feeling he has it but apparently not so much, but problems with its case. He seems to feel quite uncomfortable in his skin. Extremely wide apart as he sits and occupies two positions, a fact often as equally pesky macho habit of public seating. For many minutes can plucks and scratches and sorted it but unhappy about in his step, facial expression somewhere between pain, checking, doubting, uncertain, heart converging and proud. The pants hanging low, his trousers hanging well - but they can apparently still narrow. Or the seat of the crown jewels is to constantly and inherently simple unsatisfactory. Or only the appropriate presentation? After estimated four stations of the variety or, unabashed sorting and rearranging - presumably he has already fabricated sailor knots - he opts for frontal assault: only short, he looks around, checks the passengers with tight eyes (which was the subject of checking number of risk? Gaff-factor, attractiveness level, television camera presence?), is apparently the least mediocre filled train appropriate unpeinlich - Buttoned up and summarily on the jeans. After this time only one station, he finds satisfaction and can set the scraping and grading. In medias res, it just sorts itself effectively. Then he looks much more relaxed for the rest of the trip. His boxer shorts are lilac purple and show the smile of the Mona Lisa, no, it's Marge Simpson.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Monster Energy Drink Bracelet

tunnel vision (4)!

is late, dark, sticky and rather tempelhof it in the pouring rain. To make the night bus stop at the place of the air bridge, two exhilarating provincial girls from a properly triumphant said permeable Coolio stop talking about 20. From the loud conversation arises out flirt, even if you do not listen wants at least one of them from Berlin to Bielefeld visit. The contrast is great. Her friend jumps rather tussig and over styled in a red dress, stockings and pumps around, it makes itself, however, eco, alternative, protest and Rastafarian: dreadlocks, baggy clothes, piercings - and barefoot. Maybe do it in Bielefeld, the young hipsters Sun It may be that there are no puddles or mud still dog shit on public roads. While her toes gracefully play with mud, snot, sodden cigarette butts and brackish water, are their very gentlemanly of the Berlin nightlife and chill tips. When the bus is staring at her, not only the bus driver hypnotized the feet (but denies himself, very atypical for that species, obviously difficult to comment), but increased it after several minutes long, animated conversation with no one passing by the flirtatious Coolio. be "Have fun!"; No word of greeting, not a glance goes nowhere. If there Bielefeld conspiracy against all they do, then people from there who have painful psychological consequences of their constant questioning.

In the evening, yet very sultry platform of U9 at the zoo you have to settle out from the crowd. The young woman with the perfect make-up and the flagship boutique clothes ruled that: it undermined her upper body stresses business-like, high-necked outfit (white blouse, cardigan, blazer) with high heels sandals with 10cm Heel and platform, through the bright red painted toenails gleam and over which it has turned the too tight stretch jeans leggings, so one sees that the eccentric shoes to high enough on the ankle. Sexy. In addition to a normal messenger bag she carries the well-known, very thick, red compact book (with colorful post-marks-its in the readable pages) around with that one so beautiful can nachbeheften with additional deliveries by page - so that everyone knows and sees that they Jura studied. The word "Schönfelder, German laws, Text Collection "you can not, however, read, just know, because it is creative: From the outside it has stuck the book, wrapped with a fabric cover in the same red with homemade handles: So she can - that bookmarked side edge to the top - stylish .. to carry around as a handbag in the car she hits the red bag also demonstratively and begins to flip with good facial expression is the lifting of the mass function: the people sitting around offer the whole amusement or variety of subtle smile to each other wide anfeixend; affects the lady run away but just as much a would-be "Sex and the City" set as out of place at this point.
antipodal to climb the next station, a punk underground. No teen fashion punk, but a rare genuine, rancid, something in the years come, one with (of course) dog in tow, greenish leached mohawk, lighter heads disused as rivets on the lapel of tattered denim vest and stuff like political attitudes, which he Anarcho-or anti-Nazi badges with the show. Even if the train is not full: he benches are too upscale. His Wuffi and take it easy in the hallway on the floor space compared to the law student who looks up in disgust from their prompt Schoenfelder. But he has read this: intellectual, political, social and critical of consumerism! From his abgegrabbelten and with important statements painted army backpack he conjures up a tattered "Disney's Funny Paperback", in which we are just as hard as he deepened fascinated. Faust high against the system! Pulling the Philistines and non-thinkers!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Remove Ear Pads Salomon Helmet


The lot of Friedrichshain: If you spit on what a (successful) makes you rich or even possible - just because it annoys some point but a very cute little bit? In the area of Warsaw street-based bars, pubs, shops, snack bars, hotels etc. have appeared exactly like fed up. But this humor. And a fairly precise idea of the outgroup.
In F'hain write his terms on the boards.

- without words -

Monday, August 23, 2010

Giro Bad Lieutenant L

from fires and Celebrations

It should be the last open-air-enabled Berlin weekend. Whether that is true, let's wait first, the average weatherman can not ultimately compete with Octopus Paul. In any case, it was my part desbezüglich - and it would not have been more contrasting.

for the 12th Time there were Britz Garden, of the real (West) Berlin after 25 years still stoically "the bow-area" or simply "the bow" calls, on Saturday the fire flowers and Classic Open Air . What I do not understand is why someone will buy at such an event chair series-place cards, where it is the attraction at a picnic and lawn seats and the pure acoustics and comfort, if it comes to these two things is certainly in a concert hall would be better. Then divided the audience stern and locked in cozy park people (Please do not feed the fenced!) With the lower meadow cards on the one hand and the self-proclaimed high society on the other (or packing people?) - Which guarantees less had fun. From the original, it's noted on more specialized sports radio berlin-88 ,8-Moderateuse Marion Pinkney (? this is actually a stage name) was the two-class society underscored: In their well tried but unsuccessfully to loose-funny trimmed presentations were as in the chairs before the stage oppressed " Ladies and gentlemen "gesiezt who had run the other hand, sitting with" Do you have fun back there? "You look so great!" name terms, whether here also the average age is quite high and grandma and grandpa were repeatedly moved in with camping gear or picnic basket. Man succumbs to clichés and just like Biederman then becomes possible to rejuvenate the station image. Since both jazz and classical music radio radio are broke explained well why not the latter sponsored the event and presented. Well: this and with reference to the question "Public or private?" - Involving a city park event. Either way
: 12,000 visitors can not be wrong, charm has the concept. Even from the name, finally held here always the "green Berlin GmbH", to be involved I would actually (ha, screamer). Although the Musikauswah l at the St. Petersburg night "not only classical music was my first favorite. Amid all of the greens while the August sun sizzled relentlessly in a last gasp from the sky if possible, so that our illustrious circle incompatible during the afternoon heat divided into sun and shade seat fans. When the friend splinter groups smashed in the early evening on the now packed hills again, this resulted not only wet backs from the Valley seats (since it was the days before anything was with rain? What was that with the physics and the course of the ? water, so pure underground considered), but they had already heard most of the music all day, finally, before the start of the official concert was part been publicly rehearsed for hours. That was the whole is a pleasing, accompanied cozy, hour-long picnic. My special highlight was the fact once more human behavior: namely, of spinners, their brought half a living room furniture, including stand-candlesticks had, to one of our men, the nagging all day, he was waiting so much on the nightly fireworks - and then, when this finally (of course, Handel's "Fireworks Music") magnificently staged and choreographed the illuminated sky, close your eyes all the time and lower the head to the ground: That was it "too harsh". Greetings highly amused at this point by Province Lauer mountain. Duuu call other again "wimp"!
against 23 clock resembled the otherwise idyllic family with large garden to roll back the hordes at any rate the Olympic stadium during the withdrawal of football fans. Never let it be one in which Periphery was nothing going on and a dead classical genre. How misleading the term "classical music" is revealed once more. However, I find a better one either.
"Full House" ...
goes ... even without a house.
better society and grass-seater, sound and light:
"Fire Flower & Classic Open Air" in the Britz Garden.
Those tranquil sub-district of Britz classic way stän kernd Proll called "the Hollywood of Neukölln", as confirmed on Sunday. Although the classic Proll in this case, first, a Prollette, second and third, then again not so classic was not. In the "Bad Kurmuschel Neukölln - we are present center, in Jutta's pub was' ne Futschi source discovered", also open air cinema Hasenheide called guest at 4 Plays the trash, loud and Ades Zabel alias Edith combo to Schroeder. What might Russian classical, baroque and Mozart works shallower contrast consistently better than bad, and that necessity for good with malicious Prekariatsattitüde travesty? Edith's Midsummer Night's Dream was probably a very drunk dream - played this time not only fuel, but accompanied with "real" effect of stumbling, text forgetting and confusion. So much entertainment value was rarely as concept lot. It was distributed free Zitty-books, because the Reverend is featured on the current track, and forced the visitors as a gift sausages. Schade, dit dett Jrünzeuch keen Fleesch eats. Others it is enough Yes, the very word "sausage" to the ecstatic enthusiasm, and that often times . As always, it also gave
rampage light (for a better view on the sides Edith plucked from the stage all the bushes, "If anger is non dett times with Aw, lesbian fight from the Parks Commission") and, quite the Handke'schen sense, best Audience: be it to sell off the last of grilled sausages (of "ick, if you so ankieke ... well never mind . OOCH Ick had too many sausages "up to" Who has first present jemeldet? Here, the back there, with the pugs, the kleener! But for janz nice big belly! Is there watt inside? Haste 'n Roast inna tube, yes ") or umbrellas (" You are from non-sugar Although -?. woandas Ick here probably more than once throw Schürme See, dit is the evidence collected OOCH gays can ") or Verkupplungsversuchen (.. "Are such straight? Oh, he weeß still non, he was still ").
As the evening wore on, the incomprehensible oppressive heat was replaced by what I had rashly desired in the last blog entry granted, a stage both public and audience the more refined and more rounded events are a lesson in "celebrating" courageous remained almost everyone, whether looking at trees on the edge protection, rain gear or umbrellas crouched or simply shrug, on the ground and howled more loudly than quieter -. and did not let the actor go too early. Even though this is neither a roof over had and wanted to shorten the program (?) only increased, but the downpour all five could be straight. For the wild zusammenimprovisierte Finale Party with open locks and without shock, but due to yet another one above the other emptied watering cans and buckets, both Edith and Biggy, Jutta, Kevin-Adriano, Adriano-Kevin and the rest of Edith universe massive respect . Ingeniously, Lady Gaga and Hürriyet Lachmann (German Turk who actually calls his daughter "freedom"?) As even from the stage were. They would gezickt secure.