Thursday, December 16, 2010

Will Working Out Make Herpes Worse?

my new training philosophy!

We are particularly pleased that we managed to Dr. Anginov Petorov, founder of the Pain coach training lesson for an interview to gewinnen.Das interview was conducted in January 2005 at the Olympic training camp in the Siberian Wladiloytralomes.

Good day, Dr. Pektorov. We are pleased that we, in spite of the preparation of your athletes were able to sacrifice for the next competitions time for this interview.


Can you explain to our readers in a few words, the Paintraings training doctrine.


Oh right. The universal approach to the training lesson: There is no good, unless it hurts.

Exactly. We have over 20 years researching the world and found that excellence in sport are only possible if the athlete is able to overcome the threshold, which builds the body as protection from high performance: Pain. Only when man succeeds overcome this threshold really entirely, it can do true excellence.

Can you tell us the cornerstone of training theory to explain briefly.

makes Overcoming pain schnell.All our training efforts of this maxim untergeordnet.Der athlete is pain-controlled trainert. Never exercise on heart rate or other totally non-informative parameters!'s the favorite playing wrong. A madness. That's no good. This is a misconception of the training doctrine of the late 20th century. Training the middle ages, I always call it (laughs). Basically, total insanity and not effective.

Many athletes do, however, an instrument with which to control their training intensity. What do you recommend?

This is very simple: If an athlete trained properly, he can not see clearly. The field of vision narrows. Colors disappear, tunnel vision. They are the first indicators for proper training. With proper training, the control of electronic instruments is no longer possible anyway. A fundamentally useful tool for the beginner is the so-called PAIN TRAINER-INDEX-JERSEY. This is a sports jersey with a big printed "AUA". The intensity of exercise is increased gradually until the letters no longer be read. Then the athlete is in his Zieltrainigszone.

they have this technology also to exercise control?

No. For example, we test for levels of pain control with an electronic thermometer.

Can you describe the individual Traingsbereiche short and facing the classic Traingsbereichen GA1, GA2, EB, SB.

principle: There is no such thing as basic training is not there. Basis can not train you. Basis with the person is born. This term has, however persistent. It is used by coaches and athletes still in use to protect themselves from real to press Training! 1 corresponds to PTB EB. Pain Training Area 1 is the region with the lowest intensity. This area has not been due to the very limited exposure proved to be very efficient. I only recommend this area for direct follow-up and competition in the event of serious illness with fever. PTB 2 corresponds to SB. Pain Training Area 2 is the area where the training cycle after several failures in quick succession until the final exhaustion will continue. He is the actual recovery between intervals. It should be controlled because of the low load in serious training as infrequently as possible. PTB 3 has no equivalent in the classical Traingslehre. The Heart rate is greater than 100% of maximum heart rate. This is the training area for loose, long enduring workouts. The athlete has to have certain approachable and responsive to environmental stimuli. PTB 4 is the real Pain coach training area. PTB 4 is trained as an interval. The intensity of PTB 3 increased until the athlete collapses. After wiedererlangtem consciousness the next interval will be addressed. Very efficient.

interesting. The training concept offers simplicity.

Indeed. So we do not waive any right performance-enhancing training content. Stretching, massage, etc. In particular, the originally widespread training in the regeneration area - if you can speak in this case at all of training - is poison for the hard-trained pain resistance.

what you recommend as compensation?

I can hear it any more. Compensation. Why compensation for training? If the athlete is a balance to the training needs, then he is not really fully behind his sport.

So, no compensation.

Richtig.Sinn however, makes an additional program for the direct sport-specific desensitization of the main nerve groups. Runners are to be governed by the barefoot training times for a few minutes on a hot stove . Make Cyclists can prepare the sensitive region seat with a soldering iron to the next training session. General pain resistance can also train very well as a hand in the toaster. This can also be combined with the ergometer training in the PT4 field. Diverting the pain we call this

Can you describe a classic beginner workout short.

for completely untrained beginner, I recommend a three-week reduction program. Week 1: morning daily 4000-6000 stairs PT3 warm without making. Directly after ergometer cadence 15-20 rpm PT4 at least 5 hours daily. Everything always with additional weights. Very important for the joints. Week 2: As week 1 plus increasing volumes and intensity by 300%. Week 3: Week 2 increase, plus sizes and intensity. -Every day, until a sustained collapse occurs in a twilight of the general severe weakness passes. If necessary. Resuscitation and subsequent intensive inpatient medical hospitalization. If necessary with an artificial coma and artificial food supply at a low level - the same time increases the fat metabolism. Basically, for training: Improve volumes and intensity of your workout more quickly and as suddenly several times more. Avoid especially breaks and active recreation. Note the Pain Train, Training, Policy and pay particular attention to the continuous increase your over-training and Unsystematikindex. Pay attention to regular sleep deprivation. Very positively also have problems in social environment, etc. made apparent. For example, anger in the partnership, at work etc. The athletes really unleashed. Drink and eat as little as possible and run exclusively on food with low content of vitamins, minerals etc. Before training and plenty of quiet fat. Always remember: You are preparing your body for a competition: sport and war and no feel-Wellnesskuschelei.

That sounds already quite strenuous. What will you recommend for an athlete who has been trained by the classical training methods and now change.

The experience of recent years have shown that this is not practically possible. The non-pain-controlled training has a catastrophically low overtraining index episode. I advise about a radical detoxification by a break of at least three months, with much lack of exercise and fast food. Pain reset we call this way, the athlete prepared as previously described, free from old to start training with the Pain.

Dr. Pektorov, thank you for this interview.


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