Monday, March 7, 2011

Homemade Ideas For Sleds

alternative training

it is, not so easy to find a training form with which you can fine-tune a little bit of endurance, but the Achilles tendon not be charged. Swim separates out as fast (with Pullboy between my legs, it is somewhat - but not ideal) and walk bike / is the moment to think at all. and only stable / strength training helps even more limited.

fundamentally from that I saw it yesterday with skiken tries. order to preserve the tendon, I put on my thick hiking shoes and so was the foot firmly fixed and I could skiken pain. I have it - brought to 22.5 km in 1:35 and it has made it pretty fun, even if it made me the wind far from easy - despite the unusual load. loose "rumcruisen" was not possible and as I had at the end of an average pulse of 164 beats per minute. and then use the poor were also to do more. but at least I could make a difference.


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