Thursday, December 31, 2009
Unblock Stuff In School
love Green and friends
2010 will be an exciting year in the politically and socially, the capacity for suffering of the population is put to the test.
promote According to the stated goals of the black-yellow coalition, private wealth at the expense of public funds (which is then called "Growth Acceleration Act"), will hopefully also begin the discussion whether a really rich country like Germany so much public Poverty can be done.
in Lörrach is the new tax laws of black-yellow coalition - to make about 3 million euro shortfall in 2010 felt - - according to rough estimates of Lörracher treasurer at a total budget of the City of almost 100 million EURO a huge minus. This money is then missing for social and cultural, but also for infrastructure spending. While we are a few more potholes can live Lörrach streets still good, of course, is the lack of sports halls and courts painful, especially for children and young people who would like to have a workout.
2010 will be a year in which solidarity is required, above all, the solidarity of those who benefit from the new tax relief. Fortunately, we have attracted enormous and in Lörrach a strong foundation system and a functioning generosity, which helps occasionally terrible abuses relieve - only it may be that a community depends on the donations and generosity of individual citizens?
I hope that 2010 still has some legacy to be processed - for example the question of how it is possible that representatives of the pharmaceutical industry to combat a harmless flu, called with a lot of medial expenses swine flu, but the state of Baden-Württemberg 5 million doses can sell, where neither the efficacy nor the need demonstrated.
will certainly be out in 2010 and the discussion of an unconditional basic income on - an idea whose time has come. We want and need what we can to that a basic income is not only a guise for the dismantling of the welfare state, but gives all citizens the possibility of the riches of our country have part and on that basis to make their own lives.
Further discussion will be in 2010, stepped up next: The debate about the exposure of humans to microwave radiation - be it the normal mobile radio, terrestrial television or scratch the prospect of new transmission towers for the digital police radio TETRA. Those who are interested in is welcome at an event in Schopfheim, which is essentially the preparations of events for information and for resistance against the unnecessary proliferation of radiation goes. In the introduction, a 30-minute short film will be shown on mobile phone: "The Bells of St. Mamerta" by Dr. Scheiner. A very informative and interesting movie!
Date: Sunday, 10 January - 19.00 clock
Location: Schopfheim where Gänsmatt 11 (above the florist)
(and as my letter to the BZ :) and as this link (in English)
Again as Reminder: On Monday 25 January 2010, 20.00 clock it will give rhino Nelli a root table to Lörrach local politics, convened by the Greens Group, he OV. We look forward to seeing you and a lot of questions, suggestions and initiatives.
this in mind: to wish
A green and prosperous 2010
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hemangioma Gallbladder
a text by Robert Zion, which I find very good here!
crisis? What crisis? Perhaps those that have fallen by the year 2050, the CO2 emissions by 85 percent, wants to limit global warming to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius, to avoid irreversible, uncontrollable consequences - and likely at a multiplication of the world gross domestic product by a factor of three or four to that date? Or is the disestablishment of, so the two billion people currently living in countries and must die, deemed unsafe, failing or failed? The world food crisis, perhaps? Or then, but those economic form, which was initially called "financial crisis" and is now called "Great Depression"?
And yet it is not entirely wrong to speak now of the crisis in the singular. For those just discussed of crisis phenomena in the natural relationship of law and in economic all focusing on the organizational form of that species-being "man" who has called Friedrich Nietzsche once the "non-identified animal" - and now on a global scale. "Not found" then means at least that we actually have a choice, insofar as it is this "we" should also provide for real. Humanity not only as an idea but as a very real fact begins with the crisis. In terms of the earth this is, moreover, only a moment.
Just at the moment so, in which we have obtained with the space the big picture of our biosphere, arising in the course of the global communication networks, a kind of common sense and with the global financial markets and trade relations of mutual economic dependence, deny us nature, state and market her as far as secure existing services. Makes us the crisis, therefore, only the choice of either a world government and to found a global economy, to formulate a global ethic or even a world religion donate, or just go down together? The Dutch early Enlightenment Spinoza once wrote: "Nature forbids a nothing, except that, what can not be." Let us rather confine our survival will on what we can.
Now it is but just with the skill of the human experience, not the easiest thing. Its assets include the sensual perception, the abstract reason or common sense as well as the flights of the superstition, in pure faith in God or ideology, repression and denial, or pure fantasy. This is the much emotional determination of human actions, what recent brain research - while also discovering Spinoza again - indicating clearly not even mentioned: envy, greed, envy, ambition, fear, compassion, loyalty, love. It was another turning point in history where the Italian Renaissance, where Niccolò Machiavelli, the problem of the political in self-organizing and thus themselves fully autonomous companies with no excuses just looked otherworldly in the defining emotion of man.
our emotions is our human nature. Our disturbed, destructive, alienated relationship to this we have ever own nature, the actual cause of our self-destructive nature relationship as a whole. At the moment its Menschheitswerdung it seems to have forgotten how the modern man to make his political, economic, and religious organization so that they come in its positive emotional qualities to bear rather than the negative. So we have forgotten the extent to die according to our nature, in which we have perfected the organized killing, just as we can find only in a sublimated love, private or religious form. The compassion to us as guilty as the fidelity bond to desperate anxiety or emergency association. The
of Machiavelli first raised - though thoroughly misunderstood - the problem of modernity is political in order for humanity problem per se. Suddenly, there is still a joint responsibility of space and time horizon, the current political and economic organization of mankind, however, favor the very negative emotional characteristics of the people building it in part precisely on this: envy, greed, envy, lust, fear. Politically, the rule we are despite all the talk of democracy is still only led by as some think few can. Economically, in which we generate an environmentally destructive growth in order to give people work they are in very few cases like, so that they can buy things they need in the rarest cases.
might now think that just might result in the realization of the loss of democracy, the denationalization, the destruction of nature through growth and the crisis of wage employment to the "reasonable" return. But just interpret the answers that we still seem to be able to be out on the exact opposite. From the moment nothing is more talk than of speedy, renewed growth. None arouses more hope around the world, as the "Democratic leader" Obama. More and more the custom work on something really held desperately to the same time less and less People is accessible worldwide. If it exceeded the environmental limits, destroyed the political illusions and contradictions in the working society in even more dramatic decay processes will be handled, it could appear from a short-joint struggle for survival, a phase of fast and agony of a universal struggle against each other.
that extent the question: "Which choice makes us the crisis?" made urgent and timely. It allows us to at least the election, immediately and directly as individuals and to make the community in exodus from the current political and economic organization, to demand democracy, and production to refrain from mass consumption of useless goods, labor and beyond the wage employment relationship finally recognized as such and to entlohen to deny the killing, fear not to listen to our compassion and learning to love again. Brief: to build our societies in accordance with our nature, rather than continue to give us the error, it would be important to master this and our nature only.
One might object: absolutely ridiculous! For how many actually read this article and how many of these were in turn say: What has been using this, if the others behave differently? Well, it happens to be the game. A game in which at least three immutable rules can specify. First, there is "nothing would follow from its nature does not have any effect" (Spinoza). Second, it is to return to speak with Machiavelli, that whoever is today, is also responsible for the consequences it brings about, regardless of his intentions. And finally, every action is irrevocable advance a beginning. is that this game then it will not rather than a final for mankind, no one can rule out more serious. Anyway, it has already begun.
Last weekend, the population in Germany, one of the most productive and richest industrial nations of the world, elected. What stood by the An incoming parties really negotiable? Only the way how the future in times of crisis on employment growth and a "prosperity" is generated, which destroys our natural resources more rapidly. You did not really have a choice.
Robert Zion
Monday, September 28, 2009
Zippo Lighter Keeps Drying Out
and not big business and corporations.
The so-called "Lisbon Treaty is undemocratic arising from non-democratically elected officials with massive Einflusß the lobby incurred draft contract that will severely interfere with the lives of the citizens of Europe.
In most countries Europe must not take people to comment directly. In the countries where they can it, "NO" to have said. yet they are repeatedly asked to vote on the same contract.
I therefore support the petition NO MEANS NO "
Monday, September 7, 2009
What To Charge For Poster Design?
A discussion of the Germany radio focused on the show controversy today with the theme" Deceklung executive pay. " sadly incomplete - - post sent to me this was a.
The entire discussion, you can simultaneously hear here.
My full review was about as follows:
First, it is ME, the most important question in the discussion is whether it is private or public funds.
As for the private funds, we do so as if the people would be forced to invest their money in funds in banks or in shares.
Sure, my money saved I do not want kept in the nest egg, but it is supposed to be effective. But who wants to save money, even the freedom to choose a bank whose salary system for the managers do not provide for such exorbitant sums. There are enough "respectable" banks, such as the GLS Bank or the Bank environment, but also many small savings banks or people's banks.
If someone buys a car or a television, He compares the deals so thoroughly - but the banks run the people behind the first-best offers.
And who still thinks would work his money and not expect people or machines, and interest rates that are significantly above inflation, which is not to help protect and stupidity known no excuse.
important thing is that no public money is used to "rescue" banks, investment funds and corporations when they operate mismanagement, but that this is only one of the owners - who indeed deserves previously whopping interest rates - is happening. And public money shall ever "work" does not but must be placed so that it will remain and that it has the maximum benefit that people who have socially useful initiatives, including the means to get it.
Secondly, I am also convinced that this envy-talk is mainly because many people are afraid of poverty and social decline. I think the idea of a BGE in secure subsistence level so very forward looking, for we have worked for hundreds of years then the work to abolish it, and now we complain that no longer is there. If we offer people a secure livelihood, and they are first forced to run as intensive care and to operate their funds, and second, they can cope better when someone else deserves a lot more - because the knowledge that money is not everything is, after all invested in many minds.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tech Deck Live Registrse
The poor bastards can not do anything for the swine flu, and fight back!
Gerechtigskeit We therefore call for the pigs and a renaming of this action.
Watch and listen to that song.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Are Crips Allied With The Surenos
... I want to ask in reference to the breeze when I noticed the hysteria over the swine flu.
It is therefore important to look at the facts before the Vaccine in the body.
is because the vaccine once in the body, he will NEVER OUT!
I have therefore put together some links to the topic:
first The impact: Half of all children treated with Tamiflu, react with nightmares, nausea and insomnia . This research report from Switzerland and from England.
second the legal side: The U.S. Department of Health issued a decree unit, which the vaccine manufacturers complete immunity against swine flu guarantee for complaints against (side) effects of vaccinations. Read more here.
third Forced vaccinations? After Greece and Spain, Germany made preparations to force people to vaccinate - probably the first "selected groups" - and then the rest the necessary vaccines are already - at the expense of taxpayers - purchased! Read more here!
4th Children as guinea pigs In the U.S., 12,000 children as guinea pigs for not yet approved vaccines "used" was . Also in Germany investigated the University Mainz Allegiance ("volunteers") for new, not yet licensed vaccines including children from 6 months too!
vaccination is like genetic engineering - the effects can no longer be reversed!
why - you rather eat sauerkraut instead of vaccinate!
(which helps with bird flu, swine flu can also harm)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Chlamydia Oral Symptions
... and since my family is now enjoying the sun in Malaysia and in-laws, I have dinner some time. So I could once again to the findings of the relationships and events and especially about the background of 9 / 11 . Warn
The American Association of "architects and engineers for the truth of 9 / 11" has compiled a detailed and scientific list of all arguments in a slide show with young film inserts for anyone who can speak some English, see here is .
I really recommend that to "sacrifice" 2 to 3 hours to watch the slideshow.
It is the recognition that there are people who shy away from for whatever reason not to perpetrate these attacks, and that these people are located very close to the power center of the U.S. government.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Copper Commodity Option
This candidates for election talk called for an unconditional basic income.
It may still be more quiet!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Can You Have Gentile Herpes On Your Stomach
After some more coronations - in Lörrach - applying the Basel-Lörrach BGE group with the contribution
the idea contest for the week of basic income.
If you have you not decided yet, I beg you, give the coronation SHAFT your voice.
I can you as a participant in these coronations assure you there is no better, more emotional, more profound, meaningful gentler action than this. Read
But our job here .
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Nose Cream Naseptin For Impetigo How To Apply It
I thank all Lörracher citizens that you have spoken to me with 4007 votes (26th place all Lörracher council candidates) your confidence, so that I can participate as a new and sixth Green City Council in the successful Gemeindratsfrakton.
I am looking forward to this cooperation.
I also thank you for the 3713 votes which I received for the district council - unfortunately - due to the counting process - not enough for a seat on the County Council. After the direct votes of the 12 votes they Lörrach district council seat would have been. These voices have helped our successful two Lörrach District Council Members Margaret Kurfess and Josha Frey to allow re-entry.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Wisconsin Drivers License Templates
The "movement-in-EP" team has done it.
It was a nail-biter - but it was enough, Gerald Haefner is selected at number 14 on the German Green list to the European Parliament.
thanks to everyone who made it possible with their voice and their choice of advertising!
Friday, June 5, 2009
How Long Do Sony Camcorder Batteries Last
added "unlimited Lörrach" the initiative their choice list of recommended Lörracher to all households. It is clear that there are political and media professionals at work who know how to put in time medial accents. Of course they are also with the necessary Small change fitted ... .
I'm curious to see how the effect of this campaign ... an analysis of election results in respect to the choice recommendation of the "Initiative Lörrach Schrankenlos" it will show ...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Find Blueprints Of Old
This statement was written by Robert Zion from Gelsenkirchen. I support you!
a welfare state, which becomes an in-wage work-settlement-State by more and more people under threat of benefit withdrawal, and thus takes poverty to self-determination and dignity, she holds down so and believes discipline to have to such a state has the name "social state" forfeited.
The same applies to the state socialism à la East Germany and the German Social Democrats since the New Labour "and the" Neue Mitte ", the" something back to society "under the hollow formula have confused confused solidarity with State Administration of up and forced.
As a result of this development immediately disintegrates the social bond and with it the legitimacy of politics. For a country that trusts its citizens do not, sooner or later forfeited its claim to be their representative. He becomes hollow force, at best, the guardian of the resentment of job haves against the supposedly "superfluous".
the state like the have monopoly power, look to the people in the beds and refrigerators, to screen communities - the right to do so he did not. Just as the people and families join qua administrative process in poverty. How could it be that we have this republic and democracy to let such a thing be?
the contrary, the state has the duty to protect the dignity of man, do not force anyone to a particular piece and has a social and democratic state. The Federal Constitutional Court has failed.
material was never a society as rich as ours today, never before was so poor in both political directions! Our tax system does not manage more, to close the ever-auseinanderklaffende scissors in income and wealth, our labor market policy is no longer, the more diverse and necessary of forms of work in social, cultural, healthcare and nursing, science and environmental recognize as such and be properly remunerated.
This thesis is neither "official" or "honor", it will actually produce the (potential) based on a new wealth, who just can not consist of more and more frequently and consume more and more things, but in work by people for people. All this is but
there under duress and can not control. Putting an end to the sanctions regime! Let us renew the social bond is linked from this company. We confess our unconditional solidarity with each other, instead of the resentment over each other to institutionalize further. reduce
Robert Zion, in May 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Biffy Clyro Mountains Score Free
without merit and competence of the other Green candidates for EU Parliament to do:
The GREEN team of experts for EUROPE candidate in the squares 4, 5 and 14 :
Sven Giegold, Barbara Biehler hole and Gerald Haefner are those candidates, regardless of (also green) party structures the competence, skills and knowledge have to make the EUROPA the economy, a Europe of citizens.
A competency that I see at least with the Greens lead candidate, and advocates co-constructor of Hartz IV and long-time national manager NOT.
as possible in the European elections can not people choose, but only lists can be chosen, it is controlled through the support of the Green Party list, unfortunately, "washed up" and to parliament - but the effort for the Greens Europe list is for me not by the top candidates and not by the EU GREEN program, but with the sole objective, that Gerald Haefner and thus is an accomplished, independent and competent advocate for direct democracy in the EU Parlamet.
HERE you can help your Barbara, Sven and Gerald!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Nasza Klasa Account Löschen
astonished visitors to the city on 1 May is not bad in the afternoon when they suddenly go for a walk or eat ice got a crown put on. "Are you a cult, or is the Church-what?" A newly crowned asked on the old market square in surprise. Neither the one nor the other was the case. They were members of the "Basic Income Initiative" on the day of work for the idea of an unconditional basic income advertised. With gold cardboard crown and a portion of Happiness armed, took to the people and crowned children, women, men, local politicians and ice cream vendors. Some placed the crown again, but others enjoyed more of her headdress. More and more crowned heads could be seen among the guests of the ice cream shops, on benches or even on the dice. Also, to get to the state in which further information about the unconditional basic income, were gathered a lot of interest at the end were even new members for the initiative.
The idea for such coronations originated by entrepreneur Daniel Häni and the artist Enno Schmidt, campaigning with her film "Kulturimpuls basic income" for some time for a basic income. Coronations are a powerful gesture to the self esteem of the people to strengthen and demonstrate that every person is a sovereign, and deserve the freedom to enrich the society in its individual way.
demonstrations for minimum wage are relics from the industrial society that has elapsed since 40 years.
The social element of knowledge and information society is the unconditional basic income, the creativity, promotes democracy and independence.
See the movie our coronations to YouTube!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Boxing And Arthritis In Hands
Yes, as a candidate for the local election campaign today I received an email from ATTAC. With the request for opinion. I've liked.
was asked:
To the candidates for the municipal election on June 7, 2009
to know us and our goals determined
utopian slogan "Another world is possible"
Start small with local conditions.
In this sense, we want to ask you some questions (choice touchstones), and thus go to the public.
first As you and your party to the privatization of urban services (Janitorial services, music, cultural institutions?, Garbage)
second School policy is state policy, but the equipment of schools located in the town, your concrete ideas regarding full-day school, reliable primary school, nursery schools (charges).
third How do you feel about the investment of municipal funds (past and future)
4th Traffic calming in the sense of security (in the 30 zones)
My answer:
Lady Becker
Thank you for your inquiry. Since I've also worked in ATTAC, I see this as a slogan not a utopia but as a real goal.
I want in my answer submit my personal statement, since a local election is a personal choice. Greens decide what politicians in Berlin or Stuttgart or relocate the programs, I often see quite critical. Enclosed you will find some speeches ( speech a , speech two , speech, 3 , speech four ) which I have kept the Federal Congress of delegates to the European elections. As you can see it, I am committed federal and European policy and for an unconditional basic income that I, along with a direct democracy and an interest-free money as the most important precondition for a sustainable Society consider.
But to the specific questions: first
Privatization: My principle is: Everything that concerns the people must not be subject to income maximization. This means that a "privatization" can only sin is positive, if it is in the "private" institution to a non-profit organization. For general interest I include not only the areas you mentioned, but as the urban and housing associations. Although they are legally "private", but may not be forced to yield maximization mE. For affordable housing in my opinion is also part of general interest. The example of "garbage" can It demonstrated good: Since paper has a high market value, there are free commercial collections. Previously, the clubs have, therefore, non-profit organizations made. Actually, it would be the responsibility of the municipality.
And despite all the examples of red tape, I see no reason why a local authority can not dispose of the waste as well as a commercial enterprise - often much better. And even if it would be more expensive then some EURO, because just as municipal garbage workers as city employees get a better pension to garbage workers who are employed by a private company, I would still vote for a re-up of municipal garbage disposal!
second At the local level, my goal is to implement the successful model in NRW " every child an instrument " here (Here the "program" in NRW). It is my opinion the best prevention against violence and frustration. Culture must be available to everyone, not only for households in which culture is lived everyday. Music is an important part of culture, the practice of an instrument is an important building block in a holistic education. For this must be brought together from local funds from foundations and funds. Are also important in the program from NRW called social criteria for adjusting the music teacher!
The model of whole-day school, I see differentiated. There shall be no discrimination against the parents, their children - at least until 14 Age - in the afternoon rather be at home and you want to educate themselves, instead of handing them over to a municipal or school facilities. The other hand, no parent in the exercise of a profession be prevented simply because no or no affordable full-day course available. Kindergartens should be at least 2, better 3 years his contributory, a competent language skills of all children should be integrated.
third Municipal funds should be invested in ecological banking institutions such as the GLS Bank purpose (eg for child and youth development).
4th 30 zones have to be better monitored be. Instead of lightning on the meadow road, where no one is endangered, permanent controls in front of schools and kindergartens would be necessary. Also in 30 zones must be possible in front of schools and kindergartens crosswalk. 30 zones have many children, especially in areas to be converted if possible legally and structurally in play streets.
The team at GREEN LIST for Lörrach is a colorful team, but surely tells nuances and small differences, most of the above positions. Only I can only speak for me.
The GREEN AGENDA for Lörrach I have also attached a detailed Program will be distributed shortly to all households.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Yashica 35 Battery Adapter
I mean, what are we to think when it says: the part between x and y repeat again. But then that means that one to the other part - that between y and z - is not repeated, but pretty at the end of the row followed.
Unfortunately, the thing so u-ber-ever-never-did-not. I got accepted but only after I've made for the fourth time - had allegedly been struck by a corrected version from the Internet. There was I then have difficulty in cooking. In addition, I had in fact between them is still trying a few other patterns from the book, which had the same problem: to repeat the so-called middle part and the other parts of the series only the beginning and end of use did not work. Waaaahhhh!
furious first time I went to bed. Only the next day I had the nerve again to my beloved in Fanderl book to see whether I might find a similar pattern. Instead I found something much better: the same pattern. And right this time with the manual. Nevertheless, I
had exhausted the whole process so far that the project progressed just tough. And then, I was Reihchen few times just come far, the disaster: I am entangled disappear when left back knitting 2 stitches and was then left with nothing. Left with nothing with 20 stitches instead of 22nd
I breathed through the first time thoroughly. And because I am a woman of strong resolutions, separated by the whole thing. I think for the seventh time and then I struck easily one of my favorite patterns from my Japanese pattern book.
Now I'm 15 cm wide and still happy.
What it ultimately will be, is to give away soon!
you are self-dyed wool in beautiful colors - powder blue, graphite blue-gray, dark royal blue and Prussian blue. The wool (pure Merino) is soft and has the typical sock yarn thickness.
In such cases you realize then again, that knitting calms actually ...
But enough gebildert. We are now eating only once. Anyone living in or near Munich, should do the same, namely because . A truly exceptional good food, which offers a very special kitchen - and I have been in a couple of Indian restaurants.
In this sense: Enjoy your meal!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Cruising Spot Belfast
(letter to the Badische Zeitung, published on 03.06.2009)
And it moves a bit in terms of Kander-S-Bahn. Although it still requires some support from Basel. Only the cost-benefit analysis should be followed by action.
I can not understand that there is no initiative in the Kander valley of all property owners in order to build the Kander-S-Bahn as quickly as possible. But the experience level of growth, the plots ländlcihen space by building a train, weigh the cost of construction on many times. This is also true for the possible ring Bahn Basel - Schopfheim - Military - Bad Säckingen - Basel, which would enhance the whole Wehratal.
In the cost-benefit analysis should also be a variant expected, analyzes the construction and operation of commuter trains for the tram traffic regulations - along the lines of Karlsruhe. Construction costs, barriers closing times reduce etc. then significantly, "sacrificed" to be (there for the area in Lörrach, it sure better use, because is a good alternative), this concept car train terminus Lörrach and sporadic timber transport - where it would be necessary to whether this could take place even after the tram Betriebsordung when in Dresden to supply the VW plant tram tracks is settled.
(For local residents: For decades, drives through the Kander valley - now a popular residence for people working in Basel - just a heritage railway tracks are there, the connection to the railway line to ... Now the circle center for the evaluation of S. rail line commissioned ... because we were not entirely innocent GREEN :-))
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Shelly Martinez Jewel De'nyle
emerged today from the wool of sheep in the socks drawer of the nation:
I just saw a blog in a drawer with hand-knitted socks. Because there were some merged and others were put together just makes my question nun.Wie her, her hand-knitted socks just puts together only, or present, as composed as you do it purchased from the. And why do you do it that way.
Thanks to Martina for today's question!
The Wollmops has cast a glance into his drawer and says
a legitimate question! Above all, a'm beautiful, because I've ever wondered whether I might be the only etepetete so with my selbstgenadelten socks that I exclude such encamped: Both put together, fold again at the heel - that's it. Off to the charge. No Durchgeziehe, Rumgewürge no, no way-many-in-the-drawer-Gestopfe. I place the gently folded socks just next to each other, on a long edge - So I also always had an eye on all the same.
I do so because I ... my homebrews somehow very appreciative to them simply wrong to pepper around each other held in the drawer. I do not think they wear out, is also visually beautiful.
Aesthetic Greetings from Wollmops
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
No Sound On Lenovo T60
My spinning wheel has become a kind of siren song sung, who, since his knee to improve a few days ago suddenly started slowly, ever louder. And it sounds wonderful! It sings of beautiful fleeces that I will handle in white, pink and orange, sea blue and green, in dusty blue and anthracite. Decorated with silk-Floeck, with flashy pink and olive green-colored pieces of cloth fringes.
It sings and sings louder and louder ... and next week I will give in and embrace it at last.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Community Service For Schools Template
Well, what is "already" ... When I on 7 April a year ago announced our first meeting, I had originally expected that it is rather repeated. And more frequent. But last year we have it then but no more than twice done.
This time we were only four. But we have let it get them? Far from it! Sabine embroidered bravely on her belly dance bra, Monika was sitting at my spinning wheel, spinning (this time actually quite narrowly Artyarn over), and Patrick sat in her sweater, which she last time was still on the needles, and proposed a new project at. Inspired by a gift from Sabine to the general admiration (a fantastic Filzwrap), she decided to break their habits and sweaters to knit a wrap - the first of her life!
I weitergepusselt inconspicuously on a collar, not a lot done, but all very much. Even the culinary contributions of course - Monika's fish cream was her world fame again properly!
We have wool from Bulk orders passed and mutually admiring the works brought. Monika had a great Möbius headband here (oh, and I wanted to let me live show from you, as you hit it), Sabine except the felt parts several guides from Drops, showed us our great new knitting needles, and I think everyone had the sense to take some, as we said goodbye.
The next Ariadne thread will definitely not take place until six months ago. Vermopst and sewn!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
How To Stretch Welded Steel Fence
long silence. No sound. If the Wollmops fallen into hibernation?
Oh, I wish it were so!
Instead, I grieve with my Schwingrad syndrome. Eventually, it was sometimes better, but today I definitely had to return to the orthopedist.
between desperation attacks, longing pre-Traveller-standing and Es-care-with-the-touch toes, a little pushed-flu and all the usual everyday stuff, which we all , Rumschlag the air was related to blogging again difficult.
At least I was not completely idle. I have a bit of what knitted (1 to 2 collars and so on) and some cards. For Tom Walther carding machine is here! Yes, suddenly my knees in the middle of misery that joy! Of course I can only Card in a sitting position, after I had an in-stand-trial last week introduced the same knee more tweaking, but that one or the other fleece I've yet produced it!
You know, right now I am - apparently - in a pink phase. In the first picture you see that is a mix of East Frisian sheep, silk, a few strategically placed piles bordeaufarbenem tops, some silk scraps and various threads of orange Kid Seta.
I still am not sure if I do not think my second fleece more beautiful ... In it combine Ostfriesen sheep, silk, fabric scraps in pink and green and me at the weekend colored pink-and pink-colored wool, also from the original version. It is generally whiter than the other, with a pink shade. Of these, 180 g's from the first just over 100 g.
After I assured the Ortho today after the X-ray, there are no arthritic changes, and me an injection directly into the knee missed (no, I do not want to talk about it, but it was not as bad as the dentist), I hope with all my Mopsherzen that things are back soon and I mean nearly 1001 Garnideen implement finally can. I thank you for all the good wishes, FÜS fingers crossed and stay tuned. Please stay tuned on. Each Schwingrad is finally over at some point.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thermocol And Styrafoam
Yesterday I went to the orthopedist.
Why? Because I had left over 2 weeks slight but annoying knee pain. Actually so light that it is not real pain, but somehow so strange and disturbing emotions laterally and to a kind of needle penetration from the front.
about 1 week I have asked myself the lay diagnosis: spun too much. Since then I design rather leave you with tearful eyes my spinning wheel in the corner and knit on my shawl. The
my orthopedist Choice when testing for meniscus has fortunately found nothing and said that indeed it could even be times that even in young people (Oh, thank you, dear Dr. H., but I'm afraid with my 43 I'm probably even a bit older as a result you) by overload light (or not so mild) inflammation.
Since then I swallow anti-inflammatory tablets (prescribed), anoint my knee with a suitable ointment, when running around wearing a knee brace (see photo) and take arnica (so that I can help myself with such things always appreciated). Wish me your fingers crossed that we appease the knee so again. Otherwise I have in 1 week to the next treatment stage , With X and enter what I know.
But as ever: spun too much? Other spun daily pounds of fleece, why crack in my knee, even though it was during the Christmas holidays highest 3 hours per day?
Well ... I rhyme it up as follows: First, there were 3 hours a day. Although in a gentle but previously little-known movement. Second, instead of how good a well-bred girl with closed knees to sit, I let it fall apart easily. As a result, but on the double If an unbalanced load - the lower legs are tilted away side, but the movement must go straight down so anyway. When I use the time in dry dock simulate, then I feel very well that the inside front of the knee muscles move along. And there's just hurts me now.
After I had been wondering that Dr. H. always a "Schwingrad" said (he had me his part, did not at first), but I was greatly relieved to learn that I can work on inflammation healed again Schwingrad said. And then, I can tell you, I'll let's really take it easy!
Because if you have mistakes, one can learn something out of it. So now I'm knitting on my scarf like a fool and probably just working my way systematically to a tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Everything else would
simply too boring.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Shaking In Elderly Dogs
needles Who gets paid to this quality, will not hesitate to immediately loszustricken it. How it has also made the Wollmops and beaten after a short, frantic requests a scarf. On the new Addi clicks (magnitude 7) with one of my favorite purchase yarn: Lana Grossa Royal Tweed in this beautiful shade of pink.
When I look around me here in the blog so happening for me at present quite a lot in pink. But do not be fooled, this is more a documentation chance. The scarf I knit for myself - to fit one of my temple-dance caps. After I almost since the onset of winter in a blue scarf and blue temple dance to run around a green jacket, now a coup was announced. Said the frantic search promoted next to the correct wool have also identified the matching pattern: from one of my two Japanese knitting books that I ... uh ... wanted to talk before about half a year. Originally.
Here finally an assessment (at least by one). It contains 300 Lacemuster, each with a clear chart at his side.
The figures in the charts at the end of the book explains in a really fantastic show pictures that I extremely find easy to understand. And, although it is part of these are very tricky entanglements. But the clear drawings make everything very clearly understood Japanese course. Great - it's just well thought out!
way: the scarf I wanted to have as complete before it's spring, I have resorted to this thicker wool. This pattern is of course in different thicknesses from very different, but actually this one:
And the needles go smoothly and go smoothly ...
Friday, January 16, 2009
What Is The Cost Of Hrt

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Poptropica For Mordred's P
And here is one of the newer creations from Wollmopsens spinning room: Silver Grey * Roving (21 Micron Merino), zusammenkardiert with orange tops (also Merino, a touch less fine) and some threads Kid Seta in Orange. Thick / thin spun a wondrous diffuse silver-gray with orange streaks, which is suffused by a whole as the most delicate of all shades of pink bit like an evening sky in the fading. For me a wonderful color.
Speaking of cards: At Monica's Trommelkarde Walther, of course. The other day, you know, when the art was turned on. And apropos
Trommelkarde: Today I me ... itself an ordered! (!!!!!)
Yes, I did. With a beating heart and a look into insuring the envelope of Christmas remained. If you'll all be crossing our fingers, I get it in 3 weeks. I'm telling you know. Right now I still feel slightly dizzy, but I hope it is with time ...
* The silver gray, incidentally, comes from Sophie Brown, I have this color not find anywhere else.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
How You Should Look At 21 Weeks
Psp Beastiality Movies
As you keep your knitting needles, crochet hooks, needles and other accessories on? Do you use special case or something homemade?
says his equipment and the Wollmops considered:
So, if only I had a case for my needles, then this would be about 5 to 10 cases.
Instead I use an older prefer IKEA mop Kommödchen committed, which is under my bed, ready rauszustrecken, his little drawer under the tongue edge of the bed. In the wide drawer at the bottom all Jack needles stored together with all the needles. In the 2 center drawers stuck knitting needles - right up to size 5, left from 5.5 to bombastic. At the top live in the 3 Minis right bashfully the crochet needles, and centered to the left you will find useful items such as knitting stitch markers and Pompommacher (which I've once bought in a fit of entanglement and after all, used it twice) or outsiders, such as cable needles.
example, would have a great case I still sometimes difficult to admit, most of deaf blue brocade with Fleurs de Lis in Gold ... So, at least for the traveling would be practical. Unfortunately, my Nähkraft is not nearly as strong as my StrickundSpinnkraft formed - so I will probably remain etuilos.
Unless one of my friends thinks nähbegabten before my next birthday in studying this blog entry. Somewhat unlikely, unfortunately, as this is again only take place in less than a year. Hm, but what is a real Wollmops who wanders though far from the subject, but never give up hope. No, Sir!