without merit and competence of the other Green candidates for EU Parliament to do:
The GREEN team of experts for EUROPE candidate in the squares 4, 5 and 14 :
Sven Giegold, Barbara Biehler hole and Gerald Haefner are those candidates, regardless of (also green) party structures the competence, skills and knowledge have to make the EUROPA the economy, a Europe of citizens.
A competency that I see at least with the Greens lead candidate, and advocates co-constructor of Hartz IV and long-time national manager NOT.
as possible in the European elections can not people choose, but only lists can be chosen, it is controlled through the support of the Green Party list, unfortunately, "washed up" and to parliament - but the effort for the Greens Europe list is for me not by the top candidates and not by the EU GREEN program, but with the sole objective, that Gerald Haefner and thus is an accomplished, independent and competent advocate for direct democracy in the EU Parlamet.
HERE you can help your Barbara, Sven and Gerald!
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