emerged today from the wool of sheep in the socks drawer of the nation:
I just saw a blog in a drawer with hand-knitted socks. Because there were some merged and others were put together just makes my question nun.Wie her, her hand-knitted socks just puts together only, or present, as composed as you do it purchased from the. And why do you do it that way.
Thanks to Martina for today's question!
The Wollmops has cast a glance into his drawer and says
a legitimate question! Above all, a'm beautiful, because I've ever wondered whether I might be the only etepetete so with my selbstgenadelten socks that I exclude such encamped: Both put together, fold again at the heel - that's it. Off to the charge. No Durchgeziehe, Rumgewürge no, no way-many-in-the-drawer-Gestopfe. I place the gently folded socks just next to each other, on a long edge - So I also always had an eye on all the same.
I do so because I ... my homebrews somehow very appreciative to them simply wrong to pepper around each other held in the drawer. I do not think they wear out, is also visually beautiful.
Aesthetic Greetings from Wollmops
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