After the election: Which choice gives us the crisis?
a text by Robert Zion, which I find very good here!
crisis? What crisis? Perhaps those that have fallen by the year 2050, the CO2 emissions by 85 percent, wants to limit global warming to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius, to avoid irreversible, uncontrollable consequences - and likely at a multiplication of the world gross domestic product by a factor of three or four to that date? Or is the disestablishment of, so the two billion people currently living in countries and must die, deemed unsafe, failing or failed? The world food crisis, perhaps? Or then, but those economic form, which was initially called "financial crisis" and is now called "Great Depression"?
And yet it is not entirely wrong to speak now of the crisis in the singular. For those just discussed of crisis phenomena in the natural relationship of law and in economic all focusing on the organizational form of that species-being "man" who has called Friedrich Nietzsche once the "non-identified animal" - and now on a global scale. "Not found" then means at least that we actually have a choice, insofar as it is this "we" should also provide for real. Humanity not only as an idea but as a very real fact begins with the crisis. In terms of the earth this is, moreover, only a moment.
Just at the moment so, in which we have obtained with the space the big picture of our biosphere, arising in the course of the global communication networks, a kind of common sense and with the global financial markets and trade relations of mutual economic dependence, deny us nature, state and market her as far as secure existing services. Makes us the crisis, therefore, only the choice of either a world government and to found a global economy, to formulate a global ethic or even a world religion donate, or just go down together? The Dutch early Enlightenment Spinoza once wrote: "Nature forbids a nothing, except that, what can not be." Let us rather confine our survival will on what we can.
Now it is but just with the skill of the human experience, not the easiest thing. Its assets include the sensual perception, the abstract reason or common sense as well as the flights of the superstition, in pure faith in God or ideology, repression and denial, or pure fantasy. This is the much emotional determination of human actions, what recent brain research - while also discovering Spinoza again - indicating clearly not even mentioned: envy, greed, envy, ambition, fear, compassion, loyalty, love. It was another turning point in history where the Italian Renaissance, where Niccolò Machiavelli, the problem of the political in self-organizing and thus themselves fully autonomous companies with no excuses just looked otherworldly in the defining emotion of man.
our emotions is our human nature. Our disturbed, destructive, alienated relationship to this we have ever own nature, the actual cause of our self-destructive nature relationship as a whole. At the moment its Menschheitswerdung it seems to have forgotten how the modern man to make his political, economic, and religious organization so that they come in its positive emotional qualities to bear rather than the negative. So we have forgotten the extent to die according to our nature, in which we have perfected the organized killing, just as we can find only in a sublimated love, private or religious form. The compassion to us as guilty as the fidelity bond to desperate anxiety or emergency association. The
of Machiavelli first raised - though thoroughly misunderstood - the problem of modernity is political in order for humanity problem per se. Suddenly, there is still a joint responsibility of space and time horizon, the current political and economic organization of mankind, however, favor the very negative emotional characteristics of the people building it in part precisely on this: envy, greed, envy, lust, fear. Politically, the rule we are despite all the talk of democracy is still only led by as some think few can. Economically, in which we generate an environmentally destructive growth in order to give people work they are in very few cases like, so that they can buy things they need in the rarest cases.
might now think that just might result in the realization of the loss of democracy, the denationalization, the destruction of nature through growth and the crisis of wage employment to the "reasonable" return. But just interpret the answers that we still seem to be able to be out on the exact opposite. From the moment nothing is more talk than of speedy, renewed growth. None arouses more hope around the world, as the "Democratic leader" Obama. More and more the custom work on something really held desperately to the same time less and less People is accessible worldwide. If it exceeded the environmental limits, destroyed the political illusions and contradictions in the working society in even more dramatic decay processes will be handled, it could appear from a short-joint struggle for survival, a phase of fast and agony of a universal struggle against each other.
that extent the question: "Which choice makes us the crisis?" made urgent and timely. It allows us to at least the election, immediately and directly as individuals and to make the community in exodus from the current political and economic organization, to demand democracy, and production to refrain from mass consumption of useless goods, labor and beyond the wage employment relationship finally recognized as such and to entlohen to deny the killing, fear not to listen to our compassion and learning to love again. Brief: to build our societies in accordance with our nature, rather than continue to give us the error, it would be important to master this and our nature only.
One might object: absolutely ridiculous! For how many actually read this article and how many of these were in turn say: What has been using this, if the others behave differently? Well, it happens to be the game. A game in which at least three immutable rules can specify. First, there is "nothing would follow from its nature does not have any effect" (Spinoza). Second, it is to return to speak with Machiavelli, that whoever is today, is also responsible for the consequences it brings about, regardless of his intentions. And finally, every action is irrevocable advance a beginning. is that this game then it will not rather than a final for mankind, no one can rule out more serious. Anyway, it has already begun.
Last weekend, the population in Germany, one of the most productive and richest industrial nations of the world, elected. What stood by the An incoming parties really negotiable? Only the way how the future in times of crisis on employment growth and a "prosperity" is generated, which destroys our natural resources more rapidly. You did not really have a choice.
Robert Zion
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