Monday, March 7, 2011
Pakistani Indian Makeup
FUCK carnival carnival / etc.
because I wanted to go swimming this afternoon beautiful and what I have to read? "On the Monday is the swimming pool closed from 12 clock. Thank you for your understanding and a joyful carnival time." what is this about?

Homemade Ideas For Sleds
alternative training
it is, not so easy to find a training form with which you can fine-tune a little bit of endurance, but the Achilles tendon not be charged. Swim separates out as fast (with Pullboy between my legs, it is somewhat - but not ideal) and walk bike / is the moment to think at all. and only stable / strength training helps even more limited.
fundamentally from that I saw it yesterday with skiken tries. order to preserve the tendon, I put on my thick hiking shoes and so was the foot firmly fixed and I could skiken pain. I have it - brought to 22.5 km in 1:35 and it has made it pretty fun, even if it made me the wind far from easy - despite the unusual load. loose "rumcruisen" was not possible and as I had at the end of an average pulse of 164 beats per minute. and then use the poor were also to do more. but at least I could make a difference.
it is, not so easy to find a training form with which you can fine-tune a little bit of endurance, but the Achilles tendon not be charged. Swim separates out as fast (with Pullboy between my legs, it is somewhat - but not ideal) and walk bike / is the moment to think at all. and only stable / strength training helps even more limited.
fundamentally from that I saw it yesterday with skiken tries. order to preserve the tendon, I put on my thick hiking shoes and so was the foot firmly fixed and I could skiken pain. I have it - brought to 22.5 km in 1:35 and it has made it pretty fun, even if it made me the wind far from easy - despite the unusual load. loose "rumcruisen" was not possible and as I had at the end of an average pulse of 164 beats per minute. and then use the poor were also to do more. but at least I could make a difference.
Friday, March 4, 2011
M's Works Doujinshis Shotacon
water levels
noon today the first of six first stood on physiotherapy treatments and how it looks, a lot of work ahead of me. but I am willing and motivated to follow through now, and then with some delay the season might be saved.
achso who is reading this, which will surely be noticed again that this, in my "resignation" is already the 3rd contribution. apparently I can write but not so entirely without, so I have started again a little. to what extent, then goes on, I must visit. but if I want, I write again. so far is worth a look inside the future ...
noon today the first of six first stood on physiotherapy treatments and how it looks, a lot of work ahead of me. but I am willing and motivated to follow through now, and then with some delay the season might be saved.
achso who is reading this, which will surely be noticed again that this, in my "resignation" is already the 3rd contribution. apparently I can write but not so entirely without, so I have started again a little. to what extent, then goes on, I must visit. but if I want, I write again. so far is worth a look inside the future ...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Diagram Of A Dirt Bike
the wars?
- diagnosis: double inflammation of the Achilles tendon and Achilles tendon
- treatment: physiotherapy from tomorrow, possibly shock-wave therapy sports pause,
- length of the pause: until further notice and after completion of the physio and pain in everyday life slowly begins to "try and error"
- Effects: Withdrawal from the 2-week training camp on the malle 12.03. and set targets for 2011 shelved
- dance: to throw up!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Panasonic Dvd Player Gmc Envoy
tired of writing I have for now decided to post here to cause any more messages. if and when I leave this blog back to life, I will consider in due time and of course this is here then here, too. until then thanks for reading and for the first tschöööööö, etc.
Friday, February 11, 2011
4.2 Psa And Firm Prostate
Tunnel Vision (7): fed up
How they all complain about their cold! Cold, the "rumgeht straight". Instead of rejoicing that no worse things, such as the descendants of H1N1, they have caught. And instead of reveling in the cold in grace, in any event, if it is not flowing goods, but rather constipating. For many it is a saving in this way.
Some people amazed there. Even and especially in public transport, even those of long-distance, not just those of the commuter. Yet the much-vaunted olfactory charges are now common. So much so that ivy is actually only a little surprised about. All she knows - know all the passengers - from the Subway: sweat. Chicken. McDoof plastic flavor. Doner. Otherwise garlic or onion. Cheap beer. Urine. Kotze. Alkfahne. Too much perfume (or wrong). Cold. Diffus unwashed. Wet dog. Fart. Combinations, such as by wet dog fart in symbiosis with Alkfahne of sweating master.
recently but is something else that shocked because it was so unexpected, so rare. In passing, oops, there it was! Strong, distinctive, pungent odor of ... Pus. Respectively. Steve arrived at the job end hype the stuff is now probably i Ter. Violent, boring, hot, brash, intense and frightening. That was irritating in this case, next to the disgust that the smell emanated not from someone who was already on the first visual, perceptual bias towards well-maintained obviously neglected, ill or in need of help. But of what some self-proclaimed half-rumored scene people with "Stino" (from "boringly normal") call, from a Stino, who evidently also felt quite well. Comfortable he got in and sat down;. An average man, apparently on his way to work, shirt collar under the sweater, purse, read primarily on a lap - read then peacefully a newspaper (ok, the is now not more normal for those who do not remember it or not even have experienced: these are the rustling, usually somewhat unwieldy things made of paper with information in it that of education, and partly to the sensationalist, serve in some cases, the opinion-makers, in this case it was a copy of the Education Front). He looked peaceful, painless and not in the least aware of how he smelled, and that he apparently had a massive health (and social) problem.
The tunnel vision is so time your own suffering, disgusting, self-prejudice-by-own-ashamed, miracles (there were smells, the people were still not used to?), ... and, incidentally, the perplexed-being. For how does one behave? Should those who point to the imminent danger? But what does one do there? Suggestions: "Excuse me, but I am going to nothing, but maybe you should urgently consult a doctor you trust? Misleading: "Hey, bissu sick, old age"? Or even, self-centered, "Your smell makes me sick"? Or simply descriptive: "I deleted something and tired of the nose"? - In the latter case would be, depending on meaning and content nose, nor the evaluative suffixes "unfortunately" respectively "fortunately" to think.
How they all complain about their cold! Cold, the "rumgeht straight". Instead of rejoicing that no worse things, such as the descendants of H1N1, they have caught. And instead of reveling in the cold in grace, in any event, if it is not flowing goods, but rather constipating. For many it is a saving in this way.
Some people amazed there. Even and especially in public transport, even those of long-distance, not just those of the commuter. Yet the much-vaunted olfactory charges are now common. So much so that ivy is actually only a little surprised about. All she knows - know all the passengers - from the Subway: sweat. Chicken. McDoof plastic flavor. Doner. Otherwise garlic or onion. Cheap beer. Urine. Kotze. Alkfahne. Too much perfume (or wrong). Cold. Diffus unwashed. Wet dog. Fart. Combinations, such as by wet dog fart in symbiosis with Alkfahne of sweating master.
recently but is something else that shocked because it was so unexpected, so rare. In passing, oops, there it was! Strong, distinctive, pungent odor of ... Pus. Respectively. Steve arrived at the job end hype the stuff is now probably i Ter. Violent, boring, hot, brash, intense and frightening. That was irritating in this case, next to the disgust that the smell emanated not from someone who was already on the first visual, perceptual bias towards well-maintained obviously neglected, ill or in need of help. But of what some self-proclaimed half-rumored scene people with "Stino" (from "boringly normal") call, from a Stino, who evidently also felt quite well. Comfortable he got in and sat down;. An average man, apparently on his way to work, shirt collar under the sweater, purse, read primarily on a lap - read then peacefully a newspaper (ok, the is now not more normal for those who do not remember it or not even have experienced: these are the rustling, usually somewhat unwieldy things made of paper with information in it that of education, and partly to the sensationalist, serve in some cases, the opinion-makers, in this case it was a copy of the Education Front). He looked peaceful, painless and not in the least aware of how he smelled, and that he apparently had a massive health (and social) problem.
The tunnel vision is so time your own suffering, disgusting, self-prejudice-by-own-ashamed, miracles (there were smells, the people were still not used to?), ... and, incidentally, the perplexed-being. For how does one behave? Should those who point to the imminent danger? But what does one do there? Suggestions: "Excuse me, but I am going to nothing, but maybe you should urgently consult a doctor you trust? Misleading: "Hey, bissu sick, old age"? Or even, self-centered, "Your smell makes me sick"? Or simply descriptive: "I deleted something and tired of the nose"? - In the latter case would be, depending on meaning and content nose, nor the evaluative suffixes "unfortunately" respectively "fortunately" to think.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bf Gf Quotes, Sayings
the end of the countdown runs
the days to comment before departure to the training camp will be less and the things which are to be done, by the feeling of her day to day. yesterday I brought my bike to the last general inspection, and the borrowed picked radkoffer. today, then pick up the wheel again clean and tidy. because with ner Dreckschleuder I do not want on the island.
but now everything is nice and clean - even the rear sprocket set I had made an appointment and completely cleaned. the wheel is ready to pack up spotless. but I will no longer make. for the last time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Breaking Confidentiality In Work Place
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Post Accident Shoulder Pain
when I was almost back home, I met Rainer, who also the wheel was traveling. how small the world but sometimes is. we went ne quarter hour yapping moved together but since our goal in opposite directions, was then separated our paths again. in the end I went just over 68km (as much as this year yet). and I was not completely flat. it felt really good and made infinitely more fun.
was what a great day for weather, which is offered today to cycling. the sun shone, the sky was blue and the thermometer showed almost exactly at 0 degrees. I thought at first that there exit a longer but could be a little cold But it was not Sun First I went over the main and then the Rhine to Mainz, where am I then on the bike course of the Mainz-triathlons a round down. then I'm back on a similar path rolled back towards Wiesbaden. although I must add that the return path was clearly arduous, because the wind was blowing half felt and the second from the front. also declared the beginning of the good feeling. I thought my legs are extraordinary good. But Nope! the wind pushed me just a little;)
after a short pause then again I'm running 8.6 km have been noted here yesterday, but clearly the speed in my legs. this hurt the whole time and I was really glad when I was home again. but sometimes it has to do sometimes hurt;) was again today the last time before that after the departure fuerte on Friday the move was a little longer. in the coming days I have to perform some organizational things, so I can certainly make a few loose and short units. but I'm going then recovered somewhat in the day certainly demanding in the heat.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Vw Dune Buggy For Sale In Ont
exit long run - perfect!
this afternoon, I was once again a little longer on foot. The results were exactly 25 km on the clock and speed-wise can be proud of the run, because I needed to run 2:02 for hours, despite wavy profile. the last half hour I again pushed down the accelerator and I'm here in the proposed IM-tempo frankfurt for the summer (under 4:30 min / km) running, and although the tempo was of course outside the comfort zone, I did not have to bite a lot. This gives us hope for the coming tasks.
this afternoon, I was once again a little longer on foot. The results were exactly 25 km on the clock and speed-wise can be proud of the run, because I needed to run 2:02 for hours, despite wavy profile. the last half hour I again pushed down the accelerator and I'm here in the proposed IM-tempo frankfurt for the summer (under 4:30 min / km) running, and although the tempo was of course outside the comfort zone, I did not have to bite a lot. This gives us hope for the coming tasks.
but surely, the liquid was run today because I for the most part back to my old and very beautiful running track in Auringen / Medenbach was underway. I put the track then so that way I do after a brief zwischstop almost 10km in a supermarket and recharge my energy storage in order to keep my blood sugar constant can. planning is all;) but now I'm pretty tired legs and I feel a pull in both calves, but tomorrow looks safe again a little different when I turn in the battle drag to my body to steel ...
What Kind Of Bottles Can I Use For The Baby Alive
head held high cause
again a proof that for secondary school students (and even for alleged Islamic, Mr. Sarrazin!) Hops and malt are not lost, but that for they still hope there is provided, the Green Zeuch a scene from a known food discounters. It showed that sense of language may be present in all layers, as well as the smart-ass gene.
A group of loud, aggressive half strong with a migration background, all the same styling and incredibly cool, fell into that market - and krakeelte shopping not only around, but also exchanged small talk from:
boy 1: "Eastern go here to corner Gleisch. here. And you? Are you still school? "
Boy 2: "Hmm Until summer.."
Boy 1 [directed to a third party] : "And you, and you are you main school?"
Young 3 reacts not busy with chip select.
Boy 1 [pushes him to] : "Hey tell me, ey ey ey, you're the main school, huh?"
Boy 3: "Au maaaaaann, you idiot American am primary engineering school, but severally go to secondary school table am main students Kapierstu!!"
whether the first had got it, unfortunately eluded 'the knowledge of the author. For those struggling with tears of laughter and had therefore verdünnisieren quickly, before they could probably get as a result of the mouth. 10 points for the totally hard bloke with the Checkung for verbs and compound nouns!
again a proof that for secondary school students (and even for alleged Islamic, Mr. Sarrazin!) Hops and malt are not lost, but that for they still hope there is provided, the Green Zeuch a scene from a known food discounters. It showed that sense of language may be present in all layers, as well as the smart-ass gene.
A group of loud, aggressive half strong with a migration background, all the same styling and incredibly cool, fell into that market - and krakeelte shopping not only around, but also exchanged small talk from:
boy 1: "Eastern go here to corner Gleisch. here. And you? Are you still school? "
Boy 2: "Hmm Until summer.."
Boy 1 [directed to a third party] : "And you, and you are you main school?"
Young 3 reacts not busy with chip select.
Boy 1 [pushes him to] : "Hey tell me, ey ey ey, you're the main school, huh?"
Boy 3: "Au maaaaaann, you idiot American am primary engineering school, but severally go to secondary school table am main students Kapierstu!!"
whether the first had got it, unfortunately eluded 'the knowledge of the author. For those struggling with tears of laughter and had therefore verdünnisieren quickly, before they could probably get as a result of the mouth. 10 points for the totally hard bloke with the Checkung for verbs and compound nouns!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Electric Box Level 19 Lösung
better? No way!
after I meet in the last 2 tries again very carefully, train (all just in the renewable sector and a maximum of 40 minutes of running on land - that is really easy), it's me again today now worse. I feel listless, tired and my mood was sometimes even better. but the latter has cut perhaps only with the bad hand the baller to do at the World Cup? ;)
I just hope that I break the present day still helps a little and then I am still a WE can bissl do something, not to fly with zero form a complete training camp in a week. because it is real even harder.
after I meet in the last 2 tries again very carefully, train (all just in the renewable sector and a maximum of 40 minutes of running on land - that is really easy), it's me again today now worse. I feel listless, tired and my mood was sometimes even better. but the latter has cut perhaps only with the bad hand the baller to do at the World Cup? ;)
I just hope that I break the present day still helps a little and then I am still a WE can bissl do something, not to fly with zero form a complete training camp in a week. because it is real even harder.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Solution Electric Box Level 19
because it got me sick was moderate, in the last days instead of regular training to keep the bed flat. otitis media was the reason for it but I hope that I have now over, the weight training hard and I fail not to be spared from future diseases.
the free time, but is sometimes quite good, watch out for new equipment. and as my helmet used in everyday life for more than 4 years old and certainly come at a competition judge barely past would (see pictures), it was time for NEN new head protection.
get EUR -
Saturday, January 15, 2011
How To Stop Motorhome From Sinking In Mud
today I was (the fourth exit in 2011) with the crosser almost two and a half hours outside, because the weather was much better than normal in january usual. Furthermore, it is not so long back to training camp on Fuerteventura. and I should have been a few times before sitting on the wheel so as not to completely get started from scratch. today there were just under 54km and I am now quite flat. the terrain was quite hilly and the wind did the rest of his, so I was not really fast on the move. but that will come. important is that I put first, some basics. Tomorrow I will again at least two hours to spend on the bike and then I had a week back more than five hours spent in the saddle. that's ok for january.
eppstein in the way I did today again a rather poisonous rose (unfortunately not so good on the photo over) attack started. and I had to fight all right, order to get there at all high. is still missing a lot of bang in the legs. but I did not want to take back this increase (about 800 m length with up to 19% and average about 13%) increase.
unfortunately now hurts after cycling my right shoulder pretty strong. there's probably still some not so very proper in. if it is not better soon, I need to consult doctor as NEN again actually because I have problems with swimming, strength training, and now cycling. it should perhaps even be clarified.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bible Verse For A Church Anniversary
dentist: "And next week we can then apply to the health insurance further treatment."
Patient: "Hmm, yes."
dentist "the care we have documented the teeth - very clean because you can really say is... Is not better"
Patient: "Oh, I am pleased it has also nothing of, if you then still have tooth decay and gum disease.."
dental assistant: [giggles]
Dentist: "Well, yes This is then sometimes ... just to the teeth.."
In this sense, all a healthy, insightful 2011!
dentist: "And next week we can then apply to the health insurance further treatment."
Patient: "Hmm, yes."
dentist "the care we have documented the teeth - very clean because you can really say is... Is not better"
Patient: "Oh, I am pleased it has also nothing of, if you then still have tooth decay and gum disease.."
dental assistant: [giggles]
Dentist: "Well, yes This is then sometimes ... just to the teeth.."
In this sense, all a healthy, insightful 2011!
Home Does Scorpio Man Flirts
pause pause, breathe ...
yesterday I had a pretty busy day at the office and I then arrived home rather bluntly. sport was to think any more. it was thus the second day in the calendar year 2011, where I did not do anything. but this needs to be sometimes. prefer to suspend a day and listen to the body. the cries not for nothing after PAUSE. the next day you can even go back with more elan case to the. I've taken then first NEN delicious café and down the legs high. wonderful ...
yesterday I had a pretty busy day at the office and I then arrived home rather bluntly. sport was to think any more. it was thus the second day in the calendar year 2011, where I did not do anything. but this needs to be sometimes. prefer to suspend a day and listen to the body. the cries not for nothing after PAUSE. the next day you can even go back with more elan case to the. I've taken then first NEN delicious café and down the legs high. wonderful ...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Brownie Thinking Day Ideas
after I had my body in 2010 not expected very much stress, he now strikes the same for regular load of low intensity. maybe I'm also just a little rusty and needs some joints, the first again . Lubricate currently I do in any case, the right shoulder to face serious problems. occurred, slight pain, good for the first time a week ago. probably were the swimming and strength training but a bit much? In any case, the shoulder pain all last week also for daily life. the shoulder after I now but 8 days to blunt the barbell /'ve indulged in the thera-band, I tried again yesterday to two "devices". Although it took a bit but did not hurt nearly as bad as last week. also swim this afternoon was not completely pain free but it was not too worrying. I just hope that I got over the worst now. I'll rest the shoulder again 2 days Come and see it once, it looks like on thursday in the water.
after I had my body in 2010 not expected very much stress, he now strikes the same for regular load of low intensity. maybe I'm also just a little rusty and needs some joints, the first again . Lubricate currently I do in any case, the right shoulder to face serious problems. occurred, slight pain, good for the first time a week ago. probably were the swimming and strength training but a bit much? In any case, the shoulder pain all last week also for daily life. the shoulder after I now but 8 days to blunt the barbell /'ve indulged in the thera-band, I tried again yesterday to two "devices". Although it took a bit but did not hurt nearly as bad as last week. also swim this afternoon was not completely pain free but it was not too worrying. I just hope that I got over the worst now. I'll rest the shoulder again 2 days Come and see it once, it looks like on thursday in the water.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Does Charlotte Russe Sell Size 0
since 2011. and I again
the last 5 days because I was not online (no idea when I was last so long without internet access), only now is my first post of 2011. My online absence was due to the fact that I am first a few days to complain and dwell on the way back again in berlin have. which does not mean that I am not in those days was active in sports. I've been running every day and in two days I have moved the injured cyclocross. people who are diverse in terms of weather on, would be in these four days to complete their cost come. of minus degrees, complete schneebdecktem ground, icy rain duration ground, and almost spring-like temperatures was all there. Fortunately, I had clothes here for any weather, even the best. and after I radladen on friday a stop in a small local've made in Putbus and fenders worried me, was the second exit and not as humid.
weight technically I'm on the right track. But here I go step of the way of the small, for I must have indeed battle weight only in my summer;)
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