Friday, February 11, 2011

4.2 Psa And Firm Prostate

Tunnel Vision (7): fed up

How they all complain about their cold! Cold, the "rumgeht straight". Instead of rejoicing that no worse things, such as the descendants of H1N1, they have caught. And instead of reveling in the cold in grace, in any event, if it is not flowing goods, but rather constipating. For many it is a saving in this way.

Some people amazed there. Even and especially in public transport, even those of long-distance, not just those of the commuter. Yet the much-vaunted olfactory charges are now common. So much so that ivy is actually only a little surprised about. All she knows - know all the passengers - from the Subway: sweat. Chicken. McDoof plastic flavor. Doner. Otherwise garlic or onion. Cheap beer. Urine. Kotze. Alkfahne. Too much perfume (or wrong). Cold. Diffus unwashed. Wet dog. Fart. Combinations, such as by wet dog fart in symbiosis with Alkfahne of sweating master.
recently but is something else that shocked because it was so unexpected, so rare. In passing, oops, there it was! Strong, distinctive, pungent odor of ... Pus. Respectively. Steve arrived at the job end hype the stuff is now probably i Ter. Violent, boring, hot, brash, intense and frightening. That was irritating in this case, next to the disgust that the smell emanated not from someone who was already on the first visual, perceptual bias towards well-maintained obviously neglected, ill or in need of help. But of what some self-proclaimed half-rumored scene people with "Stino" (from "boringly normal") call, from a Stino, who evidently also felt quite well. Comfortable he got in and sat down;. An average man, apparently on his way to work, shirt collar under the sweater, purse, read primarily on a lap - read then peacefully a newspaper (ok, the is now not more normal for those who do not remember it or not even have experienced: these are the rustling, usually somewhat unwieldy things made of paper with information in it that of education, and partly to the sensationalist, serve in some cases, the opinion-makers, in this case it was a copy of the Education Front). He looked peaceful, painless and not in the least aware of how he smelled, and that he apparently had a massive health (and social) problem.

The tunnel vision is so time your own suffering, disgusting, self-prejudice-by-own-ashamed, miracles (there were smells, the people were still not used to?), ... and, incidentally, the perplexed-being. For how does one behave? Should those who point to the imminent danger? But what does one do there? Suggestions: "Excuse me, but I am going to nothing, but maybe you should urgently consult a doctor you trust? Misleading: "Hey, bissu sick, old age"? Or even, self-centered, "Your smell makes me sick"? Or simply descriptive: "I deleted something and tired of the nose"? - In the latter case would be, depending on meaning and content nose, nor the evaluative suffixes "unfortunately" respectively "fortunately" to think.


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