this afternoon, I was once again a little longer on foot. The results were exactly 25 km on the clock and speed-wise can be proud of the run, because I needed to run 2:02 for hours, despite wavy profile. the last half hour I again pushed down the accelerator and I'm here in the proposed IM-tempo frankfurt for the summer (under 4:30 min / km) running, and although the tempo was of course outside the comfort zone, I did not have to bite a lot. This gives us hope for the coming tasks.
but surely, the liquid was run today because I for the most part back to my old and very beautiful running track in Auringen / Medenbach was underway. I put the track then so that way I do after a brief zwischstop almost 10km in a supermarket and recharge my energy storage in order to keep my blood sugar constant can. planning is all;) but now I'm pretty tired legs and I feel a pull in both calves, but tomorrow looks safe again a little different when I turn in the battle drag to my body to steel ...
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