yesterday my girlfriend Monika and I cut weekend The family ties and met with me to a free spinning and Kardiernachmittag, lasted the whole 10 hours and produced quite remarkable results.
I myself and the apartment had thoroughly prepared on it. What are manic because spiders (despite holiday) and annoying headache (despite also leave) in the last days of household work was left was swept away by a single AufräumUndPutz wave. And see, my apartment was neat! I could not believe it.
Together with Monika, I promptly went out to change this intolerable situation, and to devastate the room. Suddenly it was huge backpack in which their newly acquired Trommelkarde had been towed away, bobbing between the Kammzugknäueln that had exploded in one of my boxes as soon as I had opened them. Woven strands of my manic production draped over books dyeing to weaving, knitting and cotton mouse breeding, we had pulled off the shelves, broke the kitchen table under the carding machine almost together and could only hold so upright, because lordly beside him enthroned my spinning wheel where Monika sat and spun.
spun And how! While I was hunting happy gram by gram by their Trommelkarde, spun Monika, who have to wait until the end of February on her own spinning wheel has a wonderfully easy to thin thread. Earlier, in cookies and cereals coffee she had told me categorically that their cause was not art yarn. "For me," she said, taking a friendly patted my first yarns with orange and green Knubbeln fringe, "is especially important for me to spin a good yarn even." Before I could say, "Yes, I will of course, but can art yarn is just so ...", she was practically on the wheel and was pleased how quickly they could not produce uniformity.
While the coil filled gradually, I noticed at some point between two Kardierdurchgängen: "Perhaps it is because a little too much twist in it. "But were the next moment the two of us from our topic of conversation (tensions in the family) so distracted that immediately went down.
The experienced spinner, the unauthorized person is reading here, a twitch now perhaps as early as the mouth, the others have even this innocent look that we had when Monica wrapped her spin outcome of the reel on my new Niddy Noddy while dressed as if it were for their lives. Afterwards, I made it hard to Abbindfäden weave, so taut she had stretched the thread. " You've told me to stretch it!" she complained when I complained. "Yes, but only if you have made it wet," I groaned.
was finally a way out. And we pulled the rope from the hand reel. But what was that? Before our eyes zurrte the thing that had measured just proud 150 centimeter scale together! It shrank and shrank - from minute to minute longer! Überdrallte shooting out pieces of yarn like asparagus from the ground, we could only watch dumbfounded. Soon after, I could flip the whole strand as a collar - and that was the moment when we broke down in hysterical laughter. Monika doubled up laughing in tears on her chair, I sat leaning against the sink to the bottom and I lost the thing back down to get enough air. A few seconds later it was so small that I could wear it as a bracelet. When I expressed my presumption, awarded in the center of the strand could be a black hole are, Monika almost fell off my chair.
It was long before we had recovered ourselves. We had brought our clothes in order, we sat at the table and tried to just restore some normalcy, "said Monica as:" And I never wanted to make a kind of Yarn. "
We folded together again.
PS: As a neck brace makes the subject is really not bad. Particularly in there with a few feathers or fluffy wool parts. If you've made the first time to stop laughing, it's definitely a wonderful part. And green colored leaves to the next Christmas even save the Advent wreath. The hole for the thick candle in the center is already in there.
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