Traveller and the first yarn O people, rejoice today, the Wollmops again! Look, my first real yarn!
These pictures show my first twist on my Traveller, consisting of two yarns I spun in the spring on the hand spindle and then on my first dyeing weekend had dyed in early summer.
And below you see my pride and joy (although I'll smile about it in 5 years): my first Artyarn! From the above was on a ball of yarn or what's left, I've ado, my first DickDünnGarn twisted by the Traveller (and I tried to orient it in "Intertwined") - and that was not at all easy! Still, I've got it somehow and I will probably make a headband out of it. Should just go out like this, namely only 37 grams fluffy But I do not think bad, that was the first time a trial balloon.
One thing is if I did not have work, I'd smooth spinning all day. But not for long, then that is so, in my Christmas holiday.
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