Sunday, November 28, 2010

Refillable Canned Air Duster

Green Toddler

The Green Zeuch is" not a baby, but as of today birthday a toddler: one years there is now the green organic waste blog. Who can get that from the spinach pie. Thanks for reading, watching, commenting and bearing simple!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cheap Eye Exams In Dallas

tunnel vision (6): bell-Jitter-Bahn

The big city society is not prudish. Almost everyday is that mothers sometimes in public their child breast-feeding. Less common but it is also in Berlin, not to do casual and most relevant, but pointedly. A to dispel any prejudices, not just the Ökomutter-stereotypical woman - very tall, with blond mane and high heels, makeup, styled and emphasizes hip and sexy dress - it takes place in a crowded, stuffy U8 apparently estrebenswert, in to bare all snail-like peace of mind and her swollen breasts still cumbersome herumzuzeigen before she stuffs her strikingly cute baby in the mouth. A baby mind you, the previously awakened not just feel acutely hungry or otherwise be intolerable, but the chuckles happily. Accordingly, the small to deflect also plenty fast: His fascination, gazing upward move horizontally, soon is the dangling above him holding straps, the wild swings in the face of rapid driving style of the car and the Formula One-like cornering. He squeals with delight and points to it. The kid always seems to immediately get what he wants, in any event is mum on questions and picks it up at the funny oscillating loops, so that the squeaky dwarf grab ecstatic afterwards. Since they do not require, at least before even packing her breasts again, this depends, meanwhile, huddled around the front of men standing around. The decently not access ecstatic after squeaking.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

33 Weeks Pregnant With Very Sore Abs

Frieda, Freddy & Fifty Fifis

What exactly will these window dressing in a barber shop and beauty shop the interested art fan say?
These two breeding race-Schoßfifis are only 50% of dog?
The right dog makes already 50% of styling?
A good dog hair is half the battle?
shopping bags now 50% off?
shopping bags in this store to have 50% of any dog on it?
all used shopping bags with dogs on it now for half?
all used shopping bags now for the half, but only for dogs? All
Frieda & Freddies are common dog fuffzig wrong?
50% of our sales we do with bags?
dogs get big discounts on Hair and beauty services, but more than 50 percent are absolutely non-held bag?
50% of the legacies of four-legged friends a day fit into a shopping bag?
50% of all on-the-arm hätschel Doggie called Frieda and Freddy and fit into a shopping bag?
50% of the customers of this business wear the hair color "street dog" and are constantly angetütert?
50% in this shop were bepinkelt of Frieda's and Freddie's dogs?