21 signatures - application for TETRA radio towers still approved
Before the City Council meeting on 22.7. were just under 500 signatures pass - from citizens, the Tetra technology do not want.
After sending you detailed debate - could tell in the Lord Gehri of the Police Department again fear stories of inability to rescues in dead spots and the inevitable switch off the analogue radio in 2012 - voted out Vreni Hirt (SPD) and myself with two abstentions my green Stephan Berg and colleagues Gerd Wernthaler all City Council members for the planning application.
Here is my final contribution to the discussion:
I want to express my disappointment to know that you want a majority vote for the granting of planning permission, and pay tribute to those in respect of which, in spite of the representatives of the Police Department and the RP built up threat and fear of setting building permit refuse permission. Switching off the analogue radio is not a law of nature, Mr. Gehry, and will not take place if the poles do not want to harm people - especially children - but it is based on biological natural laws, the depreciation of real estate on the laws of economy and rationality of man.
We have sworn an oath as city councils to work for the welfare of the citizens of the city of Lörrach. If the Government withdraws the fact that they agree with this planning application must be legal, then that is the legitimate point of view of good administration. Our task, however, as decision-making and decision-makers, for the sake of health and property of our citizens to decide against the administration.
The documentation you all know that the TETRA technology is at least debatable - and then should apply the precautionary principle. As an environmental engineer I learned this in any case Sun I certainly can not vote for your obsolete technology that can both local residents and the security forces through its 24-hour, clocked in the body's own frequency digital microwave radiation intensive inflict severe damage in the long term.
you have detailed information, it is not the right forum to conduct extensive debates on substance. Like it - for this information - can agree with your conscience, agree to the planning application for a radio mast which lies a few meters away to a nursery and an educational institution for maladjusted children, I can not therefore . Understand I can not understand how the loss of value of real estate - especially in the Tüllinger in Altweil, Stetten and Hauingen - and the likely destruction of the plan of a hotel building on the Rechenberg approvingly take into account for the installation of an obsolete technology.
Committed citizens have collected signatures against this mast - almost everyone was in demand, has signed. In the documentation for the Environment Ministry " Late Lessons from Early Warnings " * - who would like to have a copy, I still get a few - is to some - shows examples - quite extensible that the understanding of the harmfulness of a technology or product accessible from the base - must be fought for, and done that much suffering and many injuries have to give up their resistance until the industry - the citizens and environmental organizations. TETRA is a worthy candidate for a later expanded edition, and later generations will think about our present decision, as we have the earlier decision on the use of asbestos cement pipes ** - with the difference that we contribute with our decision today means that people can be severely damaged in their health and property values and life dreams and targets to be destroyed.
* This thick manual of the Federal Ministry of Environment can be picked up - for free - at CASA DETOX, Basler Str 27, 79540 Lörrach, Phone 1630233
** This refers to the recent debate that the City Council in a few decades ago Tumringen asbestos cement pipes for the sewage has can be laid - with the result that these calcified bad and must be restored now expensive. Health impacts of asbestos were published in scientific journals by the way in 1898 - the final EU-wide ban came 2005th
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Will My Father Recover From A Stroke
Impairment of real estate by TETRA masts!
Thanks to some brave colleagues in the City Council could the decision be deferred to the planning applications for TETRA masts in Hauingen and on the Tüllinger to the next council meeting.
The City Council meeting held on 22.7. 17.30 Clock!
Ask "your" city councils to reject the planning application NEN , come to this meeting, collect signatures to this petition and inform your friends and neighbors.
addition to health concerns is also a massive expected depreciation of real estate - a impairment was 50% at a survey by the German ring Agents RDM determination in 2003. With growing awareness in the population a massive impairment is very likely. As a TETRA radio system substantially from a normal mobile phone system through a health risk frequency and timing as well as by a higher degree of penetration is different, the radius is greater in the injury and the impairment is to be expected of real estate.
From Rechenberg this is primarily the Rechberger Hof , but also Hauingen and Hägelberg from Tüllinger primarily Tüllinger village, but all high-rise buildings in southern Lörrach , in particular the hillside development at the Basel Street and the buildings on the slopes of Maienbühl and Hünerberg and Because , especially Altweil , and the eastern Haltingen , and also the northern Riehen .
would thus burden the masts some of the best places to live Lörrach and Weil, and this property massively reduce the value.
Here's the short range of the transmitters, in which the radiation is particularly strong:
Thanks to some brave colleagues in the City Council could the decision be deferred to the planning applications for TETRA masts in Hauingen and on the Tüllinger to the next council meeting.
The City Council meeting held on 22.7. 17.30 Clock!
Ask "your" city councils to reject the planning application NEN , come to this meeting, collect signatures to this petition and inform your friends and neighbors.
addition to health concerns is also a massive expected depreciation of real estate - a impairment was 50% at a survey by the German ring Agents RDM determination in 2003. With growing awareness in the population a massive impairment is very likely. As a TETRA radio system substantially from a normal mobile phone system through a health risk frequency and timing as well as by a higher degree of penetration is different, the radius is greater in the injury and the impairment is to be expected of real estate.
From Rechenberg this is primarily the Rechberger Hof , but also Hauingen and Hägelberg from Tüllinger primarily Tüllinger village, but all high-rise buildings in southern Lörrach , in particular the hillside development at the Basel Street and the buildings on the slopes of Maienbühl and Hünerberg and Because , especially Altweil , and the eastern Haltingen , and also the northern Riehen .
would thus burden the masts some of the best places to live Lörrach and Weil, and this property massively reduce the value.
Here's the short range of the transmitters, in which the radiation is particularly strong:

Monday, July 5, 2010
Light Blue Trojan Condom Length
tetra radio now for Lörracher bedroom?
On Tuesday, 6.7., Advises the clock at 19.00 Ortschaftsrat Hauingen and
on Thursday, 8.7. by 17 30 Clock decides at the town hall, the Committee on Environment and Technology on the approval of two planning applications:
first on the Tüllinger for a 40 meter high mast for the new TETRA police radio at the intersection Viehgaß / High way / path Ötlingen / Geffelbrunnenweg - This new pole to replace the existing mast.
second on the Rechenberg for a 40 meter high transmitting tower for the new TETRA police radio on Haberackerweg - The tower and the transmitter will be built behind the existing water tank.
Tüllingen In the proposed transmitter is a few yards from the building and evangelical kindergarten and by the youth welfare institution Tüllinger of altitude! He beams across the valley away so to speak, with full broadside on the hand of the new development area Maienbühl.
might Hauingen the station while in the woods, but this is a favorite recreational area, playground and sports area for kindergarten, students and youth groups. He also destroyed the radiation-free idyll of Rechberger court!
As you may have learned from the newspaper that Schopfheim local councils and the council have rejected Schopfheim appropriate building permits!
in Wiechs
in Gersbach
and the City Council
If possible, please come to the meeting and / or ask your representatives in the City Council, not the planning application consent and request a public discussion and community information on the subject! to
This is primarily the health of our children love that are so damaged by mobile phone radiation most - but also for our women and the health of our policemen and policewomen, firemen and paramedics, and for the health of nature ... should the planning application reject. you are not alone!
some information about TETRA:
The plans for a digital police radio in Germany were 16! Years (Kohl era) started. At that time, TETRA was selected as a system.
In the UK, TETRA since 2000. Since there are health problems among the police and residents
Currently complain nearly 200 police officers against the state because of radiation damage by the use of TETRA technology
early as 2006, for example by policewomen breast cancer has been found that by wearing the receivers was caused to the chest.
TETRA is not only obsolete, but Besides the cost to run and totally out of control
like the police and the fire department for cost reasons, only the stripped down and will therefore not suitable for release, as this video of shows frontal 21st
The radiation exposure of residents are of course not "stripped down" but solid. TETRA shines continuously at full transmit power!
Have you ever wondered why health from mobile phone can not be insured? No insurance is an insurance policy in the world from it - is so mobile with nuclear power, genetic engineering and nanotechnology, the fourth, non-insurable risk. (For legal Risk of building a mobile base station further down!)
some impressive case studies of the health effects of mobile phone related (among others) in these reports by doctors and concerned
For the online version of names and addresses have been removed, who connect with the victims in touch wants to can feel free to contact me, the reports are also printed before with most of the names and addresses.
short reports about damage to children in particular can be found such as
letter of medical competence initiative to the Bavarian Minister President
If you can puzzling symptoms or disorders in children are known, this is a (possible) cause.
that these complaints from the mobile phone industry and associated professors are not recognized, also shows this exchange of letters by the renowned environmental medicine Dr. Joachim mother with Prof. Lerch (private Jacobs University Bremen, funded erhelblich by the Vodafone Foundation) for Topic benefit injury of children by mobile phone radiation
(that German professors greatly from contributions of industry and align their teaching and research opinion then, shows the article of definitely not "alternative" Manager Magazine.
If an industry many billions of EURO for the Department of frequencies is charged, he also has plenty of "change" in order to commission appropriate studies. Prof. Lerch is in my opinion a good example.
The "public" opinion and unfortunately the press is this trivializing, by industry (co-) funded studies, unfortunately, decisively.
There is but the first rays of hope: So, last month is not recognized by the Higher Regional Court in Brescia this industry-funded report of the mobile industry and a complaint by an employee who had official calls always mobile and got a brain tumor, accepted for compensation. So now all workers in Italy are at work Corded phones require.
sure you always hear the argument: The limits are safe! But how were the limits determined?
The German limit values have not been following the health burden, but by the thermal heating of an (adult) dummy head - set - - in the microwave it may heat up in 30 minutes over 1 ° C - and say so about possible damage to anything from - health damage has been made in defining the limits are not taken into account, she went alone to the thermal heating.
Also of concern: For trouble-free operation a GSM mobile is a power density of 0.001 ĩW / m² required - the limit at 10 million UMTS is ĩW / m² for GSM 4,500,000 ĩW / m².
In China and Russia, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria is the limit for the sum of all assets at 100,000 ĩW / m²
an overview, see here
On the legal risk of building a mobile base station (both the private and the public site):
Since not health hazards from mobile phone can be insured, shall be liable upon evidence of hazard to the operator.
companies are Most wireless systems but by the German radio tower GmbH GmbH If this becomes insolvent, the applicants (ie the damaged health) "bad luck" - they can get from injuring anything.
But it can be the so-called "nuisance liability" to come into force, meaning that other parts liable to have benefited from the harmful act or she provides. This can then be the private property owner or just the city - a presumably good additional income may turn out to be the cause for a (private) Insovlenz!
The first steps, the judiciary in Italy already made (see above). For example, in Tüllingen or Hauingen after commissioning of the TETRA mast cancer - especially in children - a significant increase, courts can, in some years with a gradual change in the evidence and let the "official" state of knowledge are regarded as evidence that the diseases of the TETRA radiation did arise, and take the city as a land owner in liability, especially if they do not satisfy its pension obligations and has agreed, despite uncertain evidence of the establishment of the mast on their land. If
in TETRA the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg said fully liable, this is not much better, because the funds from the Country's first earned by us, the taxpayers.
I thank you, if you have read this far!
Here you will find current and objective (ie not by the industry affected) Facts and reports:
diagnosis Radio: News
sparking: medical case reports and videos
literacy initiative: scientific discussions
lenses Overview on relevant studies
children and cell phones
On Tuesday, 6.7., Advises the clock at 19.00 Ortschaftsrat Hauingen and
on Thursday, 8.7. by 17 30 Clock decides at the town hall, the Committee on Environment and Technology on the approval of two planning applications:
first on the Tüllinger for a 40 meter high mast for the new TETRA police radio at the intersection Viehgaß / High way / path Ötlingen / Geffelbrunnenweg - This new pole to replace the existing mast.
second on the Rechenberg for a 40 meter high transmitting tower for the new TETRA police radio on Haberackerweg - The tower and the transmitter will be built behind the existing water tank.
Tüllingen In the proposed transmitter is a few yards from the building and evangelical kindergarten and by the youth welfare institution Tüllinger of altitude! He beams across the valley away so to speak, with full broadside on the hand of the new development area Maienbühl.
might Hauingen the station while in the woods, but this is a favorite recreational area, playground and sports area for kindergarten, students and youth groups. He also destroyed the radiation-free idyll of Rechberger court!
As you may have learned from the newspaper that Schopfheim local councils and the council have rejected Schopfheim appropriate building permits!
in Wiechs
in Gersbach
and the City Council
If possible, please come to the meeting and / or ask your representatives in the City Council, not the planning application consent and request a public discussion and community information on the subject! to
This is primarily the health of our children love that are so damaged by mobile phone radiation most - but also for our women and the health of our policemen and policewomen, firemen and paramedics, and for the health of nature ... should the planning application reject. you are not alone!
some information about TETRA:
The plans for a digital police radio in Germany were 16! Years (Kohl era) started. At that time, TETRA was selected as a system.
In the UK, TETRA since 2000. Since there are health problems among the police and residents
Currently complain nearly 200 police officers against the state because of radiation damage by the use of TETRA technology
early as 2006, for example by policewomen breast cancer has been found that by wearing the receivers was caused to the chest.
TETRA is not only obsolete, but Besides the cost to run and totally out of control
like the police and the fire department for cost reasons, only the stripped down and will therefore not suitable for release, as this video of shows frontal 21st
The radiation exposure of residents are of course not "stripped down" but solid. TETRA shines continuously at full transmit power!
Have you ever wondered why health from mobile phone can not be insured? No insurance is an insurance policy in the world from it - is so mobile with nuclear power, genetic engineering and nanotechnology, the fourth, non-insurable risk. (For legal Risk of building a mobile base station further down!)
some impressive case studies of the health effects of mobile phone related (among others) in these reports by doctors and concerned
For the online version of names and addresses have been removed, who connect with the victims in touch wants to can feel free to contact me, the reports are also printed before with most of the names and addresses.
short reports about damage to children in particular can be found such as
letter of medical competence initiative to the Bavarian Minister President
If you can puzzling symptoms or disorders in children are known, this is a (possible) cause.
that these complaints from the mobile phone industry and associated professors are not recognized, also shows this exchange of letters by the renowned environmental medicine Dr. Joachim mother with Prof. Lerch (private Jacobs University Bremen, funded erhelblich by the Vodafone Foundation) for Topic benefit injury of children by mobile phone radiation
(that German professors greatly from contributions of industry and align their teaching and research opinion then, shows the article of definitely not "alternative" Manager Magazine.
If an industry many billions of EURO for the Department of frequencies is charged, he also has plenty of "change" in order to commission appropriate studies. Prof. Lerch is in my opinion a good example.
The "public" opinion and unfortunately the press is this trivializing, by industry (co-) funded studies, unfortunately, decisively.
There is but the first rays of hope: So, last month is not recognized by the Higher Regional Court in Brescia this industry-funded report of the mobile industry and a complaint by an employee who had official calls always mobile and got a brain tumor, accepted for compensation. So now all workers in Italy are at work Corded phones require.
sure you always hear the argument: The limits are safe! But how were the limits determined?
The German limit values have not been following the health burden, but by the thermal heating of an (adult) dummy head - set - - in the microwave it may heat up in 30 minutes over 1 ° C - and say so about possible damage to anything from - health damage has been made in defining the limits are not taken into account, she went alone to the thermal heating.
Also of concern: For trouble-free operation a GSM mobile is a power density of 0.001 ĩW / m² required - the limit at 10 million UMTS is ĩW / m² for GSM 4,500,000 ĩW / m².
In China and Russia, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria is the limit for the sum of all assets at 100,000 ĩW / m²
an overview, see here
On the legal risk of building a mobile base station (both the private and the public site):
Since not health hazards from mobile phone can be insured, shall be liable upon evidence of hazard to the operator.
companies are Most wireless systems but by the German radio tower GmbH GmbH If this becomes insolvent, the applicants (ie the damaged health) "bad luck" - they can get from injuring anything.
But it can be the so-called "nuisance liability" to come into force, meaning that other parts liable to have benefited from the harmful act or she provides. This can then be the private property owner or just the city - a presumably good additional income may turn out to be the cause for a (private) Insovlenz!
The first steps, the judiciary in Italy already made (see above). For example, in Tüllingen or Hauingen after commissioning of the TETRA mast cancer - especially in children - a significant increase, courts can, in some years with a gradual change in the evidence and let the "official" state of knowledge are regarded as evidence that the diseases of the TETRA radiation did arise, and take the city as a land owner in liability, especially if they do not satisfy its pension obligations and has agreed, despite uncertain evidence of the establishment of the mast on their land. If
in TETRA the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg said fully liable, this is not much better, because the funds from the Country's first earned by us, the taxpayers.
I thank you, if you have read this far!
Here you will find current and objective (ie not by the industry affected) Facts and reports:
diagnosis Radio: News
sparking: medical case reports and videos
literacy initiative: scientific discussions
lenses Overview on relevant studies
children and cell phones
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