need letter to the local poverty
Unabridged printed in the Badische Zeitung, 17.2.2010, here in full.
If poverty in the form of pothole-strewn roads, crumbling schools and kindergartens closed swimming pools, museums, libraries and theaters reach us not later then we, the citizens, we ask how much growing, system-related public poverty as steadily increasing and becoming increasingly selective private wealth, we are still can afford.
It offers two options: one is to retreat into his private life and to try there to replace the public functions or compensate. This well-off is of course easier than ordinary people and is leading to unequal opportunities.
is the other option to get involved and the question posed so long to discuss in public, are found to alternatives. One of these alternatives is even hidden in our own history
In our legal system is private property of one of the highest goods.
This legal system we take as universal truth and not question it - it It is about almost 2,000 years of occupying powers - was introduced here - the Roman legions, and Caesars. Previously was the Germanic law, which knew no private ownership of land and in which the municipal assembly (the Thing) was the highest judicial body. Every citizen and every citizen had a right to his part on public property, the trustee him - was passed and fell back again in case of death or misconduct to the community - as a fiefdom.
A reflection on the principle that land never his own, but can only be done in escrow and maintained, would be a first step towards an understanding of the law, the benefits of owning up and in which the question is not who owns our wealth, but how he can best be harnessed for the benefit of the public.