I hardly dare to say out loud, but I think my knee heals ! For joy I've started a new pair of cuffs: Wollmeise, color SUN!
My spinning wheel has become a kind of siren song sung, who, since his knee to improve a few days ago suddenly started slowly, ever louder. And it sounds wonderful! It sings of beautiful fleeces that I will handle in white, pink and orange, sea blue and green, in dusty blue and anthracite. Decorated with silk-Floeck, with flashy pink and olive green-colored pieces of cloth fringes.
It sings and sings louder and louder ... and next week I will give in and embrace it at last.
Well, what is "already" ... When I on 7 April a year ago announced our first meeting, I had originally expected that it is rather repeated. And more frequent. But last year we have it then but no more than twice done.
This time we were only four. But we have let it get them? Far from it! Sabine embroidered bravely on her belly dance bra, Monika was sitting at my spinning wheel, spinning (this time actually quite narrowly Artyarn over), and Patrick sat in her sweater, which she last time was still on the needles, and proposed a new project at. Inspired by a gift from Sabine to the general admiration (a fantastic Filzwrap), she decided to break their habits and sweaters to knit a wrap - the first of her life!
I weitergepusselt inconspicuously on a collar, not a lot done, but all very much. Even the culinary contributions of course - Monika's fish cream was her world fame again properly!
We have wool from Bulk orders passed and mutually admiring the works brought. Monika had a great Möbius headband here (oh, and I wanted to let me live show from you, as you hit it), Sabine except the felt parts several guides from Drops, showed us our great new knitting needles, and I think everyone had the sense to take some, as we said goodbye.
The next Ariadne thread will definitely not take place until six months ago. Vermopst and sewn!
long silence. No sound. If the Wollmops fallen into hibernation?
Oh, I wish it were so!
Instead, I grieve with my Schwingrad syndrome. Eventually, it was sometimes better, but today I definitely had to return to the orthopedist.
between desperation attacks, longing pre-Traveller-standing and Es-care-with-the-touch toes, a little pushed-flu and all the usual everyday stuff, which we all , Rumschlag the air was related to blogging again difficult.
At least I was not completely idle. I have a bit of what knitted (1 to 2 collars and so on) and some cards. For Tom Walther carding machine is here! Yes, suddenly my knees in the middle of misery that joy! Of course I can only Card in a sitting position, after I had an in-stand-trial last week introduced the same knee more tweaking, but that one or the other fleece I've yet produced it!
You know, right now I am - apparently - in a pink phase. In the first picture you see that is a mix of East Frisian sheep, silk, a few strategically placed piles bordeaufarbenem tops, some silk scraps and various threads of orange Kid Seta.
I still am not sure if I do not think my second fleece more beautiful ... In it combine Ostfriesen sheep, silk, fabric scraps in pink and green and me at the weekend colored pink-and pink-colored wool, also from the original version. It is generally whiter than the other, with a pink shade. Of these, 180 g's from the first just over 100 g.
After I assured the Ortho today after the X-ray, there are no arthritic changes, and me an injection directly into the knee missed (no, I do not want to talk about it, but it was not as bad as the dentist), I hope with all my Mopsherzen that things are back soon and I mean nearly 1001 Garnideen implement finally can. I thank you for all the good wishes, FÜS fingers crossed and stay tuned. Please stay tuned on. Each Schwingrad is finally over at some point.